X11R6.9/X11R7 release wranglers call 4 Nov 2005

James Cloos cloos+freedesktop-release-wranglers at jhcloos.com
Thu Nov 3 15:57:21 PST 2005

>>>>> "Egbert" == Egbert Eich <eich at suse.de> writes:

Egbert> as it is effectively limiting participation to those enjoying
Egbert> the anemnities of corporate support or those who are living in
Egbert> North America.

It should be possible to get to the 1-888 number via SIP or IAX2 for
those with voip clients and enough inet bandwidth.

fwd.pulver.com (FreeWorldDialup) can be used to make toll-free calls
to several countries, including the US.

sip:18884355674 at tf.voipmich.com should also work.

(The latter comes from a NAPTR lookup on

James H. Cloos, Jr. <cloos at jhcloos.com>

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