[Roadster] OpenGIS, wms, wcs and PDAs

Koen Kooi koen at dominion.kabel.utwente.nl
Mon Apr 4 03:10:42 PDT 2005


I've been following the Roadster project for a few weeks now and I'm 
very impressed! After completing a geo-informatics minor this year I 
have a few questions:

* Are there plans to have networking support in Roadster so it can pull 
data from webmapping server and webcoverage servers? See [1] for the 
standards involved
* What do you think of a GML [2] import/export feature?

I missed the IRC meeting last night, but I noticed some nicknames in 
the log of people who have an ipaq running linux (with X,gtk 2.6, cairo 
and libsvg-cairo). I'm trying to crosscompile Roadster to see how it 
performs, but I got a bit lazy when encountering mysql. An idea popped 
up: a 'light' version of roadster using sqlite and/or GML files as 
storage. Would this fit in the current design paradigma?



[1] http://www.opengeospatial.org/
[2] http://www.opengis.net/gml/

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