[Roadster] Importing Tiger issue
Arne Götje ( 高盛華 )
arne at linux.org.tw
Fri Jul 29 11:52:36 EST 2005
On Friday 29 July 2005 02:16, Koen Kooi wrote:
> Ian McIntosh wrote:
Ian, somehow your mail didn't come through to my Inbox, but other mails
on the list do. Is there something wrong with your mailer? Do you get
any bounces when you send mail to me?
> > Hi Arne,
> >
> > I am the original author.
> >
> > Nope, no one is working on improving the import function. I have
> > been planning on replacing the current import code with an external
> > library (either libmygis[1] or gdal[2]).
> GDAL also gives you projection conversions for free, but I'm not sure
> how well it handles paths and vectors, but shapelib could help with
> that.
> regards,
> Koen
ok, conversion tool for the projections is nice, shapefile support is
also needed as many countries publish their GIS information through
shapefiles. But what about Tiger support? I'm aware that the US Census
data is currently the only (?) free downloadable data available...
I'm not aware of libmygis' capabilities when it comes to importing Tiger
data... are all fields and types supported? Or only some of them? I'm
not sure if it's a good idea to rely on a third party library for that
(in case they change the Tiger format again, for example).
> > I'd like to hear your ideas for the search. The current search box
> > searches both roads and Points of Interest (POI) and works like
> > this:
> >
> > For POI, it uses the rule "all search words must be present
> > somewhere in POI data fields". It means that more search words ==
> > fewer results, like Google.
> >
> > For roads, the search words must be a prefix of the road name
> > ("Welling" will match "Wellington"). House numbers and suffixes
> > ("st", "ave") are optional and will result in fewer results
> > (direction prefixes/suffixes like "NW" aren't supported yet, but
> > will also be optional).
> >
> > It will also have city/state searching eventually.
> >
> > All results are sorted by distance from the current view. Closer
> > things show up higher in the list, with the rationale being that
> > it's more likely what the user wants. We could also weight the
> > results to show "bigger" things, like cities, higher in the list.
I think the sorting preferences should be configuarble by the user... :)
ok, I got similar information already from your wiki page... :)
Actually I ment the internal search function... what happens when a user
searches for an address, which tables are looked up in which order, and
how does the rendering engine get the vector information from the
database to draw the entire map in the screen?
As you might have noticed, I'm sitting on the opposite side of the
globe, in Taiwan. But originally I'm from Europe. So, I'm keen to
provide some efford to make roadster be able to support other
countries' mapping data and to be able to search for their addresses
which have a different format than the US. :)
Hence we need to reorganize the internal data storage and the search
function / dialog to be able to search for any address in the world (at
least theoretically). :)
Is roadster UTF-8 safe yet? :p
I'm also quite a bit annoyed about the huge overhead of the embedded
mysql server... So I'm thinking of other possibilities to store the
data effectively. (Hence my question on the internal lookup function).
Arne Götje (高盛華) <arne at linux.org.tw>
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