[Roadster] Converting TIGER data to a MySQL database

Adam Renner arenner_dev at wowway.com
Wed Feb 22 16:24:51 PST 2006

Jeff Garrett wrote:
>>It would be good to build a tool that could retrieve all the chinese 
>>restaurants within a 20 mile radius of some location:
> I have also recently discovered the google local for mobile phones site.
>I've had mixed results with Google local, but maybe I just don't know
>how to use it yet.  Personally, I think it'd be nice if I had a list of
>POIs important to me (restaurants, bars, pool halls, ...) near me.
>Since I don't always have wifi access (when out), it'd be nice to crack
>open the laptop and spontaneously choose a restaurant near me.  (This
>lacks some of the flavor of wandering around for miles though...)  Even
>more, it'd be nice if I could get directions to wherever it is I wish to
>go (even disconnected), esp. (for now) on public transportation.  But
>this may be a project for further down the line.  :)
>Another advantage of having a Google-free POI set is the possibility of
>sharing POI sets and even implementing some sort of ratings/reviews...
I was thinking that a program could be written to retreive the google 
data when connected to the database. For example, If I am travelling to 
Vegas then I would setup the app to gather all restaurants, hotels, gas 
stations, etc ... within a 30 mile radius of Vegas. Then I have the data 
stored locally and I can take it with me on my trip.

I have also recently seen that yahoo local is opening up their API for 
third parties.

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