[Roadster] Deprecated MemChunks, glade errors

Casey Harkins caseyharkins at gmail.com
Fri Jun 16 13:34:43 PDT 2006

Scott Bronson wrote:
> In addition to the 'sed -i "s/\-lmygcc//g" configure.ac' suggested by

I did that as well to compile on fc5 (forgot to mention it in my post to 
this list a few days ago).

> the Wiki, trying to compile Roadster on Ubuntu Dapper I found I also
> needed to:
>     sed -i "s/\-DG_DISABLE_DEPRECATED//g" configure.ac
> Otherwise it would complain about not being able to find GMemChunk or
> g_mem_chunk_new.

I sent a patch to this list a few days ago that replaces deprecated 
GMemChunk stuff with g_slice stuff (as suggested in the glib docs).

> Now, Roadster runs but the UI is totally unresponsive.  Everything looks
> OK, menus pull down, items get checked, but nothing happens.  Not even
> when I select Quit or About.  I'm also getting a lot of glade warnings
> which is probably related.
> Anyone have an idea on how to fix this?

There's at least two of us who are seeing the same thing (view the list 
archives for this month if you're interested). I haven't had time to 
look any further into it. Please share if you have time to look into it.


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