[SCIM] About scim 1.0.0

Jan Hefti j.hefti at hamburg.de
Wed Aug 25 00:53:47 PDT 2004

Hi James,

>  If there is no more fatal bug in scim 0.99.8. I'll release scim
>1.0.0 before the end of this week (29 Aug).
>  So please help me test 0.99.8 as much as you can.
not really an important bug, but I like to disable the switching between 
input modes using left ctrl+release+shift, etc., because I often use 
those keys to mark text that I want to replace later (to make sure I do 
not delete too much). Maybe this is particular to my configuration, but 
even when I delete all keys that switch to the next/previous input 
method, both in scim general configuration and in all input method 
particular configurations, left ctrl+release+shift, etc. still switch to 
another input method. This is true in both SCIM's GTK panel and skim.

Maybe you could try if that happens on your machine as well, and if so, 
fix it?

Best regards,

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