[SCIM] scim options are confusing

Greg Aumann Greg_Aumann at sil.org
Fri Aug 27 21:12:32 PDT 2004

Hash: SHA1

I want to run scim on Gentoo Linux and be able to input simplfied
Chinese in a UTF-8 locale. I have have compiled and installed scim
successfully but I can't figure out the command line options that I
should use because of the lack of documentation on these options.

Most of the information about scim is about how to compile and install
it. There is very little about how to actually run it. The old project
pages have the most but it is still very little.

I want to be able to input into kde apps, gnome/gtk apps and openoffice.
I don't have much trouble getting scim to work with gtk apps but
openoffice and kde are problems.

In gedit if I press ctl-space the little user interface appears and I
can type Chinese. If I do it in kedit the scim icon in the taskbar
disappears and I cannot use scim. If I move back to gedit the icon
reappears and I can press ctl-space and input Chinese again. I have
tried this on two computers, one with scim-m17n and one without. The
results are the same.

Do I need to run scim twice with different options to be able to input
into all these applications?

The -f option seems important. I know you can use
- -f X11 or
- -f socket
But all the instructions say is use the X11 or the socket frontend but I
don't understand the implications of either option.

There also seems to a -s option but that doesn't show when you do
scim -h

Also a -ns option whose shortform doesn't show when you do a scim -h

Is skim required if I want to input into kde apps or is skim only needed
if you a kde style user interface?

configuration information is below

thanks for your help

- ----------------------------

.xinitrc (I am not using a GUI login manager so .xinitrc is being run)
- ----------------------------
export XMODIFIERS="@im=scim"
export GTK_IM_MODULE=scim
/usr/bin/scim -f x11 -d

I have done
gtk-query-immodules-2.0 > /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules
and the last line of /etc/gtk-2.0/gtk.immodules is
- ------------------------------------------------------
"scim" "SCIM Input Method" "scim" "/usr/share/locale" "ko:ja:zh"

I have edited /etc/scim/global so to change the first line:
- ------------------------------------------------------
/SupportedUnicodeLocales = en_US.UTF-8,en_AU.UTF-8
/DefaultPanelProgram = scim-panel-gtk
/DefaultConfigModule = simple
/DefaultSocketFrontEndAddress = local:/tmp/scim-socket-frontend
/DefaultSocketIMEngineAddress = local:/tmp/scim-socket-frontend
/DefaultSocketConfigAddress = local:/tmp/scim-socket-frontend
/DefaultPanelSocketAddress = local:/tmp/scim-panel-socket
/DefaultSocketTimeout = 5000

If I do scim -l I get:
Smart Common Input Method 0.99.6

Available FrontEnd module:
~    socket
~    x11

Available Config module:
~    gconf
~    simple
~    socket
~    dummy

Available IMEngine module:
~    pinyin
~    rawcode
~    socket
~    table

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