[SCIM] Has anyone Russian IME for SCIM?

Kenichi Handa handa at m17n.org
Thu Dec 9 23:23:22 PST 2004

In article <2004121013280917050 at wm-web3>, "=?euc-kr?B?sei8urOy?=" <kittysnk at nate.com> writes:
> Hi, Has anyone Russian IME for SCIM? I got yawety 
> key for SCIM. It is different with MS Russian keyboard
> layout.  I want to use Russian keyboard... like MS Russian keyboard 
> layout.(ISO8859-5).  If anyone has Russian IME, please send to 
> me.

Is that the one that has this keyboard layout (best shown
with monospace font)?

     | 1! | 2" | 3' | 4* | 5: | 6, | 7. | 8; | 9( | 0) | -_ | =+ | ёЁ |
       | йЙ | цЦ | уУ | кК | еЕ | нН | гГ | шШ | щЩ | зЗ | хХ | ъЪ |
        | фФ | ыЫ | вВ | аА | пП | рР | оО | лЛ | дД | жЖ | эЭ | \| |
          | яЯ | чЧ | сС | мМ | иИ | тТ | ьЬ | бБ | юЮ | /? |
		    |          space bar          |

If you can't see the above layout correctly, please run
Emacs and type C-h C-\ russian-typewriter RET.

Ken'ichi HANDA
handa at m17n.org

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