[SCIM] Adjusting input panel font size

Ming Hua minghua at rice.edu
Wed Jun 9 16:25:33 PDT 2004

Hi Jeff,

On Wed, Jun 09, 2004 at 02:00:37PM -0700, Jeff Warrington wrote:
> I have successfully gotten SCIM up and running on multiple
> machines - it's by far the best input package I've tried.
> On my laptop the input panel is really tiny to the point 
> where I cannot make out the characters (using the pinyin
> input). How can I adjust the font size for the panel? I tried
> the font setting dialog on scim-panel-gtk but that did not
> seem to have any effect.

I am not sure I understood you correctly, did you mean the fonts on the
panel or in the preedit dialog (where you type in pinyin and choose from
character candidates)?

I have confirmed that the font size setting (Panel -> GTK -> Misc ->
Font in setup) indeed work for the preedit dialog, although you need to
restart scim (maybe also scim-panel-gtk, I just killed them all) to have
the new settings taking effect.

I haven't found any way to change the fonts on the SCIM panel (where you
choose input method, character width, punctuation, etc.), but I suppose
it's not something you keep looking at.  And James may provide a way to
change that, but I really think it's not important.

Hope this helps,

We used to think that if we know one, we know two, because one and one are
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                                                  --- Sir Arthur Eddington

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