[SCIM] Please help me test the newest SCIM code.

Ming Hua minghua at rice.edu
Thu May 13 12:06:23 PDT 2004

On Thu, May 13, 2004 at 06:41:38PM +0800, James Su wrote:
>  Recently, I implemented the configuration reload feature in CVS head 
> code. Now, most of the configurations can be changed and then reloaded 
> on the fly, just by right clicking on the tray icon or im button and 
> clicking the command menu item "Reload Configuration".

A quick compiling revealed a change:  all the dynamically loaded module
(e.g., ${PREFIX}/lib/scim-1.0/0.99.0/Server/table) is missing the .so
suffix (the file in example was named table.so before).  Is this
intentional?  I looked at /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/immodules and all the
IM modules there are named *.so, so maybe we should at least keep the
consistency for ${PREFIX}/lib/gtk-2.0/2.2.0/immodules/im-scim.so?

I also had problem installing scim-chinese CVS HEAD, but it may be due
to misconfiguration on my side, so I'll clarify it and report later.


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