[SCIM] SCIM CVS Head is now ready for testing and reviewing.

Zhe Su james.su at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 01:43:27 PST 2005

  The client Helper module API is almost ready. I reimplemented
scim-setup as a Helper module. You may try it out.
   If you are developing input methods based on SCIM and want to
provide your own customized GUI or configuration tool, you may have a
look at SCIM's Helper API.
  Currently there is no developer document for this Helper API yet.
You can just read the source code, especially scim_helper.{cpp,h},
scim_helper_module.{cpp,h}, scim_imengine.{cpp,h} to see how to write
a Helper module. Additionally, tests/testpanel.cpp and
extras/setup/scim_setup_helper.cpp are two demo of this new API.
  If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to tell us.

  I'll release unstable version 1.1.0 shortly, if there is no critical
bug. And the following new features are planned to be added before
releasing 1.2.0:

  * Keyboard Layout switching.
  * Configurable Hotkeys bind to each IMEngineFactories for fast switching.
  * Proxy IMEngine API for content filtering.
  * On Screen Keyboard Helper module (does anyone can help on this?).
  * Surrounding text support.

I'd like to discuss with you about how to implement these features.
Please give me as many comments as possible.

James Su

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