[SCIM] Re: Custom Keyboard Layout Editor/Interpreter for SCIM

Yukiko Bando ybando@k6.dion.ne.jp
Tue Jan 4 04:58:22 PST 2005

On Tuesday 04 January 2005 20:43, Kenichi Handa wrote:

> You can use the environment variable M17NDIR to specify a
> per-user m17n-db directory.  For instance, you can set it to
> ~/.m17n, and put in that directory, mdb.dir that contains
> this line:
> (input-method t latn-pre "latn-pre.mim")
> and your version of latn-pre.mim.

Thank you for the tip.  It works fine and I'm happy with it. 

In Mandrakelinux:
- Create ~/.m17n
- Copy mdb.dir and latn-pre.mim from /usr/share/m17n to this directory
- Add "export M17NDIR=$HOME/.m17n" to ~/.i18n
- Edit ~/.m17n/latn-pre.mim
- Logout -> Login

Thanks to Alexis, too. 


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