[SCIM] Re: question about scim

David david@plm11.pl
Wed Jan 5 23:59:56 PST 2005

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Hello Ming Hai,

You can download files here:

Look here, too: http://scim.sourceforge.net/skim/doc/user/en/

You will have to patch and recompile QT library choosing whether you 
want binary compatible or incompatible mode.
If you choose incompatible mode, you will have to recompile every single 
QT application on the system (KDE for example) - they will stop working 
without this. I did that and am happy about the decision, but in your 
case it may not be the best solution. Decide for yourself :-)

In my personal case it was pretty easy, as such things are automated on 
my distro. I only had to wait for the compilation to end, so it is 
difficult for me to give detailed advices. But the scim mailing list 
will surely help you any problems you may run into.

I am sure more advanced users will give you more detailed advice.

Good luck,

Ming Hai Lim wrote:

>Hi David,
>   Thank you for replying so quickly to my query on
>the scim mailing list.  I've downloaded the skim
>source code and installed it using ./configure, make,
>make install without incident but when I tried to run
>./configure on the scim-qtimm source code, it says :-
>"configure: error:
>    The Qt library was not compiled with the
>qt-immodule patch
>    applied please download it from
>and recompile Qt."
>   I went to the website but I couldn't figure out
>where was the patch to download, much less how to
>compile the Qt library with it.  Could you please
>advise me?  Thank you.
>Ming Hai

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