[SCIM] Re: From a newbie: problems in running scim

Yukiko Bando ybando@k6.dion.ne.jp
Thu Jan 13 06:58:54 PST 2005


On Thursday 13 January 2005 02:22, Rodolfo Medina wrote:

> I got scim run and (I think) now I can input simplified and traditional
> chinese using kwrite (although, strangely, I cannot *read* chinese 
> characters when I open a file with kwrite).

Hmm... That is strange.  

I did the following under it_IT locale.

$ export LC_CTYPE=it_IT.UTF-8
$ kwrite
Ctrl+Space -> Select Smart Pinyin
Input some Chinese words. 
Save the file and quit kwrite.

When I opened the file, I could read what I had typed without problems.  What 
if you manually select Unicode (utf-8) from View > Set Encoding?

The only other thing that I can think of is the font.  Which one are you 
using in kwrite?  I set it to AR PL New Sung and it worked fine both for input 
and reading.  (Alternatively, you can set it to Bitstream Vera Sans, for 
example, and specify a Chinese font for a substitution font for it in 
qtconfig.  Then latin alphabets will use Bitstream Vera Sans and Chinese 
characters use the Chinese font.)    

> If I open Emacs the same way as kwrite: '$ LC_CTYPE=it_IT.UTF-8 emacs',
> chinese characters are not input at all.
> I was suggested to install the package mule-gbk and the font simsun.ttf:
> but even so chinese characters are not properly input.
> Please, any hint?

I don't know how to use Emacs with or without scim ... Sorry I cannot help you 


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