[SCIM] Re: From a newbie: problems in running scim

Rodolfo Medina romeomedina@libero.it
Mon Jan 24 06:20:58 PST 2005

Rodolfo wrote:

> I got scim run and now (I think) I can input simplified and traditional
> chinese using kwrite. Besides, setting `Unicode (utf-8)' by default from
>`Settings > Configure Editor > Open/Save > Encoding',
>I can properly read and save a file containig chinese characters.
>The only inconvenience is that now kwrite might not read
>properly a file that was saved with an encoding system different from
>Unicode utf-8, and vice versa another editor set with a different encoding
>system (Kate, for example) might not read properly
>a file that was edited and saved with kwrite.

Yukiko wrote:

>Which font are you using in kwrite?
>You can set it to Bitstream Vera Sans, for
>example, and specify a Chinese font for a substitution font for it in
>qtconfig. Then latin alphabets will use Bitstream Vera Sans and Chinese
>characters use the Chinese font.
>Please have a look at my screenshot for an example:
>In Font Substitution, select a western font first (Bitstream Vera Sans is
>default font in KDE), choose your favorite Chinese font from the dropdown
>menu at the bottom, then click Add. That's it.


Excuse, I didn't well understand wether your suggestion had the purpose
to avoid the encoding problem or instead this problem is not avoidable.
I tried to follow your indications (Mandrake 10.1 Community):
in qtconfig I set the default font to Bitstream Vera Sans.
In the dropdown menu at the bottom there was not the AR PL KaitiM GB font
that you report in your screenshot neither the Song Ti mentioned in the
qtconfig explanation. I chose SimSun (is that okay?),
and added it as substitution font by clicking 'add'.
Anyhow the encoding problem remains:
if I want properly save and read with kwrite
a file containing chinese characters
I have to set the Unicode (utf-8) encoding system, this way having problems
with files saved with other text editors.

Any other hint?

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