[Spice-commits] python_modules/demarshal.py python_modules/ptypes.py

GitLab Mirror gitlab-mirror at kemper.freedesktop.org
Thu Oct 10 11:34:50 UTC 2019

 python_modules/demarshal.py |    2 ++
 python_modules/ptypes.py    |   31 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

New commits:
commit d4248885e83d20180b965070383584977e46d682
Author: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>
Date:   Tue Aug 13 17:42:49 2019 +0100

    codegen: Check validity of array members
    Check that combination of fields for an array does not
    lead to unsafe code.
    check_valid method came from generate_c_declaration with
    some more check and it's use in demarshaller to validate
    the array if the structure is not generated.
    Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>
    Acked-by: Victor Toso <victortoso at redhat.com>

diff --git a/python_modules/demarshal.py b/python_modules/demarshal.py
index acd4b6f..3736976 100644
--- a/python_modules/demarshal.py
+++ b/python_modules/demarshal.py
@@ -315,6 +315,8 @@ def write_validate_pointer_item(writer, container, item, scope, parent_scope, st
 def write_validate_array_item(writer, container, item, scope, parent_scope, start,
                               want_nw_size, want_mem_size, want_extra_size):
     array = item.type
+    if item.member:
+        array.check_valid(item.member)
     is_byte_size = False
     element_type = array.element_type
     if array.is_bytes_length():
diff --git a/python_modules/ptypes.py b/python_modules/ptypes.py
index 32dae21..796a436 100644
--- a/python_modules/ptypes.py
+++ b/python_modules/ptypes.py
@@ -485,7 +485,36 @@ class ArrayType(Type):
     def c_type(self):
         return self.element_type.c_type()
+    def check_valid(self, member):
+        # These attribute corresponds to specific structure size
+        if member.has_attr("chunk") or member.has_attr("as_ptr"):
+            return
+        # These attribute indicate that the array is stored in the structure
+        # as a pointer of the array. If there's no way to retrieve the length
+        # of the array give error, as the user has no way to do bound checks
+        if member.has_attr("to_ptr") or member.has_attr("ptr_array"):
+            if not (self.is_identifier_length() or self.is_constant_length()):
+                raise Exception("Unsecure, no length of array")
+            return
+        # This attribute indicate that the array is store at the end
+        # of the structure, the user will compute the length from the
+        # entire message size
+        if member.has_end_attr():
+            return
+        # Avoid bug, the array has no length specified and no space
+        # would be allocated
+        if self.is_remaining_length():
+            raise Exception('C output array is not allocated')
+        # For constant length (like "foo[5]") the field is a sized array
+        # For identifier automatically a pointer to allocated data is store,
+        # in this case user can read the size using the other field specified
+        # by the identifier
+        if self.is_constant_length() or self.is_identifier_length():
+            return
+        raise NotImplementedError('unknown array %s' % str(self))
     def generate_c_declaration(self, writer, member):
+        self.check_valid(member)
         name = member.name
         if member.has_attr("chunk"):
             return writer.writeln('SpiceChunks *%s;' % name)
@@ -497,7 +526,7 @@ class ArrayType(Type):
             return writer.writeln('%s *%s;' % (self.c_type(), name))
         if member.has_attr("ptr_array"):
             return writer.writeln('%s *%s[0];' % (self.c_type(), name))
-        if member.has_end_attr() or self.is_remaining_length():
+        if member.has_end_attr():
             return writer.writeln('%s %s[0];' % (self.c_type(), name))
         if self.is_constant_length():
             return writer.writeln('%s %s[%s];' % (self.c_type(), name, self.size))

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