[Spice-devel] [PATCH 14/30] Convert cairo canvas copy bits to pixman

Alexander Larsson alexl at redhat.com
Thu Feb 18 12:58:40 PST 2010

 common/cairo_canvas.c |  254 ++++++++-----------------------------------------
 1 files changed, 41 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)

diff --git a/common/cairo_canvas.c b/common/cairo_canvas.c
index d0307d8..109a07c 100644
--- a/common/cairo_canvas.c
+++ b/common/cairo_canvas.c
@@ -991,6 +991,33 @@ static void __draw_mask(void *data)
     cairo_mask(((DrawMaskData *)data)->cairo, ((DrawMaskData *)data)->mask);
+static void copy_region (CairoCanvas *canvas,
+                         pixman_region32_t *dest_region,
+                         int dx, int dy)
+    pixman_box32_t *dest_rects;
+    int n_rects;
+    int i;
+    dest_rects = pixman_region32_rectangles (dest_region, &n_rects);
+    if (dy > 0 || (dy == 0 && dx > 0)) {
+        for (i = n_rects - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+            spice_pixman_copy_rect (canvas->image,
+                                    dest_rects[i].x1 - dx, dest_rects[i].y1 - dy,
+                                    dest_rects[i].x2 - dest_rects[i].x1,
+                                    dest_rects[i].y2 - dest_rects[i].y1,
+                                    dest_rects[i].x1, dest_rects[i].y1);
+    } else {
+        for (i = 0; i < n_rects; i++)
+            spice_pixman_copy_rect (canvas->image,
+                                    dest_rects[i].x1 - dx, dest_rects[i].y1 - dy,
+                                    dest_rects[i].x2 - dest_rects[i].x1,
+                                    dest_rects[i].y2 - dest_rects[i].y1,
+                                    dest_rects[i].x1, dest_rects[i].y1);
+    }
 static void fill_solid_rects(CairoCanvas *canvas,
                              pixman_region32_t *region,
                              uint32_t color)
@@ -1920,226 +1947,27 @@ void canvas_draw_rop3(CairoCanvas *canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, Spi
-static inline void __canvas_copy_bits_up(uint8_t *data, const int stride,
-                                         const int src_x, const int src_y,
-                                         const int width, const int height,
-                                         const int dest_x, const int dest_y)
-    uint8_t *src = data + src_y * stride + src_x * sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint8_t *dest = data + dest_y * stride + dest_x * sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint8_t *end = dest + height * stride;
-    for (; dest != end; dest += stride, src += stride) {
-        memcpy(dest, src, width * sizeof(uint32_t));
-    }
-static inline void __canvas_copy_bits_down(uint8_t *data, const int stride,
-                                           const int src_x, const int src_y,
-                                           const int width, const int height,
-                                           const int dest_x, const int dest_y)
-    uint8_t *src = data + (src_y + height - 1) * stride + src_x * sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint8_t *end = data + (dest_y - 1) * stride + dest_x * sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint8_t *dest = end + height * stride;
-    for (; dest != end; dest -= stride, src -= stride) {
-        memcpy(dest, src, width * sizeof(uint32_t));
-    }
-static inline void __canvas_copy_bits_right(uint8_t *data, const int stride,
-                                            const int src_x, const int src_y,
-                                            const int width, const int height,
-                                            const int dest_x, const int dest_y)
-    uint8_t *src = data + src_y * stride + (src_x + width - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint8_t *dest = data + dest_y * stride + (dest_x + width - 1) * sizeof(uint32_t);
-    uint8_t *end = dest + height * stride;
-    for (; dest != end; dest += stride, src += stride) {
-        uint32_t *src_pix = (uint32_t *)src;
-        uint32_t *end_pix = src_pix - width;
-        uint32_t *dest_pix = (uint32_t *)dest;
-        for (; src_pix > end_pix; src_pix--, dest_pix--) {
-            *dest_pix = *src_pix;
-        }
-    }
-static inline void __canvas_copy_rect_bits(uint8_t *data, const int stride, SpiceRect *dest_rect,
-                                           SpicePoint *src_pos)
-    if (dest_rect->top > src_pos->y) {
-        __canvas_copy_bits_down(data, stride, src_pos->x, src_pos->y,
-                                dest_rect->right - dest_rect->left,
-                                dest_rect->bottom - dest_rect->top,
-                                dest_rect->left, dest_rect->top);
-    } else if (dest_rect->top < src_pos->y || dest_rect->left < src_pos->x) {
-        __canvas_copy_bits_up(data, stride, src_pos->x, src_pos->y,
-                              dest_rect->right - dest_rect->left,
-                              dest_rect->bottom - dest_rect->top,
-                              dest_rect->left, dest_rect->top);
-    } else {
-        __canvas_copy_bits_right(data, stride, src_pos->x, src_pos->y,
-                                 dest_rect->right - dest_rect->left,
-                                 dest_rect->bottom - dest_rect->top,
-                                 dest_rect->left, dest_rect->top);
-    }
-static inline void canvas_copy_fix_clip_area(const SpiceRect *dest,
-                                             const SpicePoint *src_pos,
-                                             const SpiceRect *now,
-                                             SpicePoint *ret_pos,
-                                             SpiceRect *ret_dest)
-    *ret_dest = *now;
-    rect_sect(ret_dest, dest);
-    ret_pos->x = src_pos->x + (ret_dest->left - dest->left);
-    ret_pos->y = src_pos->y + (ret_dest->top - dest->top);
-static inline void __canvas_copy_region_bits(uint8_t *data, int stride, SpiceRect *dest_rect,
-                                             SpicePoint *src_pos, QRegion *region)
-    SpiceRect curr_area;
-    SpicePoint curr_pos;
-    SpiceRect *now;
-    SpiceRect *end;
-    if (dest_rect->top > src_pos->y) {
-        end = region->rects - 1;
-        now = end + region->num_rects;
-        if (dest_rect->left < src_pos->x) {
-            for (; now > end; now--) {
-                SpiceRect *line_end = now;
-                SpiceRect *line_pos;
-                while (now - 1 > end && now->top == now[-1].top) {
-                    now--;
-                }
-                for (line_pos = now; line_pos <= line_end; line_pos++) {
-                    canvas_copy_fix_clip_area(dest_rect, src_pos, line_pos, &curr_pos, &curr_area);
-                    __canvas_copy_bits_down(data, stride, curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y,
-                                            curr_area.right - curr_area.left,
-                                            curr_area.bottom - curr_area.top,
-                                            curr_area.left, curr_area.top);
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            for (; now > end; now--) {
-                canvas_copy_fix_clip_area(dest_rect, src_pos, now, &curr_pos, &curr_area);
-                __canvas_copy_bits_down(data, stride, curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y,
-                                        curr_area.right - curr_area.left,
-                                        curr_area.bottom - curr_area.top,
-                                        curr_area.left, curr_area.top);
-            }
-        }
-    } else if (dest_rect->top < src_pos->y || dest_rect->left < src_pos->x) {
-        now = region->rects;
-        end = now + region->num_rects;
-        if (dest_rect->left > src_pos->x) {
-            for (; now < end; now++) {
-                SpiceRect *line_end = now;
-                SpiceRect *line_pos;
-                while (now + 1 < end && now->top == now[1].top) {
-                    now++;
-                }
-                for (line_pos = now; line_pos >= line_end; line_pos--) {
-                    canvas_copy_fix_clip_area(dest_rect, src_pos, line_pos, &curr_pos, &curr_area);
-                    __canvas_copy_bits_up(data, stride, curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y,
-                                          curr_area.right - curr_area.left,
-                                          curr_area.bottom - curr_area.top,
-                                          curr_area.left, curr_area.top);
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            for (; now < end; now++) {
-                canvas_copy_fix_clip_area(dest_rect, src_pos, now, &curr_pos, &curr_area);
-                __canvas_copy_bits_up(data, stride, curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y,
-                                      curr_area.right - curr_area.left,
-                                      curr_area.bottom - curr_area.top,
-                                      curr_area.left, curr_area.top);
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        end = region->rects - 1;
-        now = end + region->num_rects;
-        for (; now > end; now--) {
-            canvas_copy_fix_clip_area(dest_rect, src_pos, now, &curr_pos, &curr_area);
-            __canvas_copy_bits_right(data, stride, curr_pos.x, curr_pos.y,
-                                     curr_area.right - curr_area.left,
-                                     curr_area.bottom - curr_area.top,
-                                     curr_area.left, curr_area.top);
-        }
-    }
 void canvas_copy_bits(CairoCanvas *canvas, SpiceRect *bbox, SpiceClip *clip, SpicePoint *src_pos)
-    cairo_t *cairo = canvas->cairo;
-    cairo_surface_t *cairo_surface;
-    pixman_image_t *surface;
-    int32_t width;
-    int32_t heigth;
+    pixman_region32_t dest_region;
+    int dx, dy;
-    cairo_save(cairo);
-    switch (clip->type) {
-        __canvas_copy_rect_bits((uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(canvas->image),
-                                pixman_image_get_stride(canvas->image),
-                                bbox, src_pos);
-        break;
-    }
-        uint32_t *n = (uint32_t *)SPICE_GET_ADDRESS(clip->data);
-        access_test(&canvas->base, n, sizeof(uint32_t));
+    pixman_region32_init_rect (&dest_region,
+                               bbox->left, bbox->top,
+                               bbox->right - bbox->left,
+                               bbox->bottom - bbox->top);
-        SpiceRect *now = (SpiceRect *)(n + 1);
-        SpiceRect *end = now + *n;
-        access_test(&canvas->base, now, (unsigned long)end - (unsigned long)now);
-        uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *)pixman_image_get_data(canvas->image);
-        int stride = pixman_image_get_stride(canvas->image);
-        //using QRegion in order to sort and remove intersections
-        QRegion region;
-        region_init(&region);
-        for (; now < end; now++) {
-            region_add(&region, now);
-        }
-        __canvas_copy_region_bits(data, stride, bbox, src_pos, &region);
-        region_destroy(&region);
-        break;
-    }
-    default:
-        canvas_clip(canvas, clip);
+    canvas_clip_pixman (canvas, &dest_region, clip);
-        width = bbox->right - bbox->left;
-        heigth = bbox->bottom - bbox->top;
-        surface = canvas_surface_from_self(canvas, src_pos, width, heigth);
-        cairo_surface = surface_from_pixman_image (surface);
-        cairo_set_source_surface(cairo, cairo_surface, bbox->left, bbox->top);
-        cairo_rectangle(cairo, bbox->left, bbox->top, width, heigth);
-        cairo_set_operator(cairo, CAIRO_OPERATOR_RASTER_COPY);
-        cairo_fill(cairo);
-        cairo_surface_destroy(cairo_surface);
-        pixman_image_unref (surface);
-    }
+    dx = bbox->left - src_pos->x;
+    dy = bbox->top - src_pos->y;
-    cairo_restore(cairo);
+    if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
+        copy_region (canvas,
+                     &dest_region, dx, dy);
+    pixman_region32_fini (&dest_region);
 static void canvas_draw_raster_str(CairoCanvas *canvas, SpiceString *str, int bpp,

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