[Spice-devel] help!secure port for spice

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Tue Nov 2 23:57:38 PDT 2010

On Wed, Nov 03, 2010 at 11:09:39AM +0800, Danica wrote:
> hi,guys
>      I'm new for spice.I met some troubles when I was working on the secure
> port for spice through SSL.
>      I have already read the page on spice-space about the SSLConection.But
> I still can't fix the issues.
> I ran the script and got the certificance.When I start the spicec with
> it,spicec said it is bad format,
> and something is missing.And it can't get the cert information from the
> server-key.I really can't figure out why it is.

What are the commands you ran? what error did you get? I've recently updated the SSLConnection page, maybe you tried an older version of it? Specifically do you provice a a--subject-host <server-cert-subject>? and do you use a server key with or without passphrase (both can work, but for the later you need to supply a x509-key-password switch when giving the spice parameters to qemu).

Any output from the failed server and client would also help.


>     I appreciate for your help!Thanks!
> Regards,
> Danica

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