[Spice-devel] [PATCH 3/4] smartcard: server side (not enabled yet)

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Wed Oct 6 01:38:11 PDT 2010

 server/reds.c      |   26 +++
 server/smartcard.c |  537 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 server/smartcard.h |   18 ++
 3 files changed, 581 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 server/smartcard.c
 create mode 100644 server/smartcard.h

diff --git a/server/reds.c b/server/reds.c
index 5553410..19474c0 100644
--- a/server/reds.c
+++ b/server/reds.c
@@ -59,6 +59,9 @@
 #ifdef USE_TUNNEL
 #include "red_tunnel_worker.h"
+#include "smartcard.h"
 SpiceCoreInterface *core = NULL;
 static SpiceKbdInstance *keyboard = NULL;
@@ -1227,6 +1230,7 @@ static int read_from_vdi_port(void)
     VDIReadBuf *dispatch_buf;
     int total = 0;
     int n;
     if (inside_call) {
         return 0;
@@ -3417,9 +3421,15 @@ __visible__ void spice_server_char_device_wakeup(SpiceCharDeviceInstance* sin)
 #define SUBTYPE_VDAGENT "vdagent"
+#define SUBTYPE_SMARTCARD "smartcard"
 const char *spice_server_char_device_recognized_subtypes_list[] = {
@@ -3445,6 +3455,13 @@ static int spice_server_char_device_add_interface(SpiceServer *s,
         char_device->st = &vdagent_char_device_state;
+    else if (strcmp(char_device->subtype, SUBTYPE_SMARTCARD) == 0) {
+        if (smartcard_device_connect(char_device) == -1) {
+            return -1;
+        }
+    }
     return 0;
@@ -3461,6 +3478,11 @@ static void spice_server_char_device_remove_interface(SpiceBaseInstance *sin)
+    else if (strcmp(char_device->subtype, SUBTYPE_SMARTCARD) == 0) {
+        smartcard_device_disconnect(char_device);
+    }
 __visible__ int spice_server_add_interface(SpiceServer *s,
@@ -3746,6 +3768,10 @@ static void do_spice_init(SpiceCoreInterface *core_interface)
+    smartcard_channel_init();
     reds->mouse_mode = SPICE_MOUSE_MODE_SERVER;
diff --git a/server/smartcard.c b/server/smartcard.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e210e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/smartcard.c
@@ -0,0 +1,537 @@
+#include "server/char_device.h"
+#include "server/red_channel.h"
+#include "server/smartcard.h"
+#include "vscard_common.h"
+// TODO - split off to smartcard_common.h or smartcard_impl.h
+typedef struct SmartCardDeviceState {
+    SpiceCharDeviceState base;
+    reader_id_t          reader_id;
+    uint32_t             attached;
+    uint8_t             *buf;
+    uint32_t             buf_size;
+    uint8_t             *buf_pos;
+    uint32_t             buf_used;
+} SmartCardDeviceState;
+enum {
+typedef struct ErrorItem {
+    PipeItem base;
+    reader_id_t reader_id;
+    uint32_t error;
+} ErrorItem;
+typedef struct ReaderAddResponseItem {
+    PipeItem base;
+    uint32_t reader_id;
+} ReaderAddResponseItem;
+typedef struct MsgItem {
+    PipeItem base;
+    VSCMsgHeader* vheader;
+} MsgItem;
+typedef struct SmartCardChannel {
+    RedChannel base;
+} SmartCardChannel;
+static SmartCardChannel *red_smartcard_channel = NULL;
+static struct Readers {
+    uint32_t num;
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance* sin[SMARTCARD_MAX_READERS];
+} smartcard_readers = {0, {NULL}};
+static SpiceCharDeviceInstance* smartcard_readers_get_unattached();
+static SpiceCharDeviceInstance* smartcard_readers_get(reader_id_t reader_id);
+static int smartcard_char_device_add_to_readers(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin);
+static void smartcard_char_device_attach(
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device, SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel);
+static void smartcard_char_device_detach(
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device, SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel);
+static void smartcard_channel_write_to_reader(
+    SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, VSCMsgHeader *vheader);
+static void smartcard_char_device_attach(
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device, SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel);
+static void smartcard_char_device_on_message_from_device(SmartCardDeviceState *state,
+    VSCMsgHeader *header);
+static void smartcard_on_message_from_device(SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel,
+    reader_id_t reader_id, VSCMsgHeader *vheader);
+static SmartCardDeviceState* smartcard_device_state_new();
+static void smartcard_device_state_free(SmartCardDeviceState* st);
+// TODO - split to smartcard_char_device.c
+void smartcard_char_device_wakeup(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin)
+    SmartCardDeviceState* state = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(
+                            sin->st, SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+    SpiceCharDeviceInterface *sif = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(sin->base.sif, SpiceCharDeviceInterface, base);
+    VSCMsgHeader *vheader = (VSCMsgHeader*)state->buf;
+    int n;
+    int remaining;
+    while ((n = sif->read(sin, state->buf_pos, state->buf_size - state->buf_used)) > 0) {
+        state->buf_pos += n;
+        state->buf_used += n;
+        if (state->buf_used < sizeof(VSCMsgHeader)) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        if (vheader->length > state->buf_size) {
+            state->buf_size = MAX(state->buf_size*2, vheader->length + sizeof(VSCMsgHeader));
+            state->buf = spice_realloc(state->buf, state->buf_size);
+            ASSERT(state->buf != NULL);
+        }
+        if (state->buf_used - sizeof(VSCMsgHeader) < vheader->length) {
+            continue;
+        }
+        smartcard_char_device_on_message_from_device(state, vheader);
+        remaining = state->buf_used - sizeof(VSCMsgHeader) > vheader->length;
+        if (remaining > 0) {
+            memcpy(state->buf, state->buf_pos, remaining);
+        }
+        state->buf_pos = state->buf;
+        state->buf_used = remaining;
+    }
+void smartcard_char_device_on_message_from_device(
+    SmartCardDeviceState *state,
+    VSCMsgHeader *vheader)
+    VSCMsgHeader *sent_header;
+    switch (vheader->type) {
+        case VSC_Init:
+            return;
+            break;
+        case VSC_ReaderAddResponse:
+            /* The device sends this for vscclient, we send one ourselves,
+             * a second would be an error. */
+            return;
+            break;
+        default:
+            break;
+    }
+    ASSERT(state->reader_id != VSCARD_UNDEFINED_READER_ID);
+    ASSERT(red_smartcard_channel != NULL);
+    sent_header = spice_memdup(vheader, sizeof(*vheader) + vheader->length);
+    smartcard_on_message_from_device(red_smartcard_channel,
+        state->reader_id, sent_header);
+static void smartcard_readers_detach_all(SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel)
+    int i;
+    for (i = 0 ; i < smartcard_readers.num; ++i) {
+        smartcard_char_device_detach(smartcard_readers.sin[i],
+                                     smartcard_channel);
+    }
+static int smartcard_char_device_add_to_readers(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device)
+    SmartCardDeviceState* state = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(
+                            char_device->st, SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+    if (smartcard_readers.num >= SMARTCARD_MAX_READERS) {
+        return -1;
+    }
+    state->reader_id = smartcard_readers.num;
+    smartcard_readers.sin[smartcard_readers.num++] = char_device;
+    return 0;
+static SpiceCharDeviceInstance *smartcard_readers_get(reader_id_t reader_id)
+    ASSERT(reader_id < smartcard_readers.num);
+    return smartcard_readers.sin[reader_id];
+static SpiceCharDeviceInstance *smartcard_readers_get_unattached()
+    int i;
+    SmartCardDeviceState* state;
+    for (i = 0; i < smartcard_readers.num; ++i) {
+        state = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(smartcard_readers.sin[i]->st,
+                                  SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+        if (!state->attached) {
+            return smartcard_readers.sin[i];
+        }
+    }
+    return NULL;
+static SmartCardDeviceState* smartcard_device_state_new()
+    SmartCardDeviceState *st;
+    st = spice_new0(SmartCardDeviceState, 1);
+    st->base.wakeup = smartcard_char_device_wakeup;
+    st->reader_id = VSCARD_UNDEFINED_READER_ID;
+    st->attached = FALSE;
+    st->buf_size = APDUBufSize + sizeof(VSCMsgHeader);
+    st->buf = spice_malloc(st->buf_size);
+    st->buf_pos = st->buf;
+    st->buf_used = 0;
+    return st;
+static void smartcard_device_state_free(SmartCardDeviceState* st)
+    free(st->buf);
+    free(st);
+void smartcard_device_disconnect(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device)
+    SmartCardDeviceState *st = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(char_device->st,
+        SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+    smartcard_device_state_free(st);
+int smartcard_device_connect(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device)
+    SmartCardDeviceState *st;
+    st = smartcard_device_state_new();
+    char_device->st = &st->base;
+    if (smartcard_char_device_add_to_readers(char_device) == -1) {
+        smartcard_device_state_free(st);
+        return -1;
+    }
+    return 0;
+// TODO - split to smartcard_channel.c
+static void smartcard_char_device_attach(
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device, SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel)
+    SmartCardDeviceState *st = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(char_device->st, SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+    if (st->attached == TRUE) {
+        return;
+    }
+    st->attached = TRUE;
+    VSCMsgHeader vheader = {.type = VSC_ReaderAdd, .reader_id=st->reader_id,
+        .length=0};
+    smartcard_channel_write_to_reader(smartcard_channel, &vheader);
+static void smartcard_char_device_detach(
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device, SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel)
+    SmartCardDeviceState *st = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(char_device->st, SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+    if (st->attached == FALSE) {
+        return;
+    }
+    st->attached = FALSE;
+    VSCMsgHeader vheader = {.type = VSC_ReaderRemove, .reader_id=st->reader_id,
+        .length=0};
+    smartcard_channel_write_to_reader(smartcard_channel, &vheader);
+static int smartcard_channel_config_socket(RedChannel *channel)
+    return TRUE;
+static uint8_t *smartcard_channel_alloc_msg_rcv_buf(RedChannel *channel, SpiceDataHeader *msg_header)
+    //red_printf("allocing %d bytes", msg_header->size);
+    return spice_malloc(msg_header->size);
+static void smartcard_channel_release_msg_rcv_buf(RedChannel *channel, SpiceDataHeader *msg_header,
+                                               uint8_t *msg)
+    red_printf("freeing %d bytes", msg_header->size);
+    free(msg);
+static void smartcard_channel_send_data(RedChannel *channel, PipeItem *item, VSCMsgHeader *vheader)
+    ASSERT(channel);
+    ASSERT(vheader);
+    red_channel_init_send_data(channel, SPICE_MSG_SMARTCARD_DATA, item);
+    red_channel_add_buf(channel, vheader, sizeof(VSCMsgHeader));
+    if (vheader->length > 0) {
+        red_channel_add_buf(channel, (uint8_t*)(vheader+1), vheader->length);
+    }
+    red_channel_begin_send_message(channel);
+static void smartcard_channel_send_message(RedChannel *channel, PipeItem *item,
+    uint32_t reader_id, VSCMsgType type, uint8_t* data, uint32_t len)
+    VSCMsgHeader mhHeader;
+    //SpiceMarshaller* m = msg->marshaller();
+    mhHeader.type = type;
+    mhHeader.length = len;
+    mhHeader.reader_id = reader_id;
+    //_marshallers->msg_SpiceMsgData(m, &msgdata);
+    //spice_marshaller_add(m, (uint8_t*)&mhHeader, sizeof(mhHeader));
+    //spice_marshaller_add(m, data, len);
+    //marshaller_outgoing_write(msg);
+    smartcard_channel_send_data(channel, item, &mhHeader);
+static void smartcard_channel_send_error(
+    SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, PipeItem *item)
+    ErrorItem* error_item = (ErrorItem*)item;
+    VSCMsgError error;
+    error.code = error_item->error;
+    smartcard_channel_send_message(&smartcard_channel->base, item, error_item->reader_id,
+        VSC_Error, (uint8_t*)&error, sizeof(error));
+static void smartcard_channel_send_reader_add_response(
+    SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, PipeItem *item)
+    ReaderAddResponseItem* rar_item = (ReaderAddResponseItem*)item;
+    VSCMsgReaderAddResponse rar;
+    smartcard_channel_send_message(&smartcard_channel->base, item, rar_item->reader_id,
+        VSC_ReaderAddResponse, (uint8_t*)&rar, sizeof(rar));
+static void smartcard_channel_send_msg(
+    SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, PipeItem *item)
+    MsgItem* msg_item = (MsgItem*)item;
+    smartcard_channel_send_data(&smartcard_channel->base, item, msg_item->vheader);
+static void smartcard_channel_send_item(RedChannel *channel, PipeItem *item)
+    SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel = (SmartCardChannel *)channel;
+    red_channel_reset_send_data(channel);
+    switch (item->type) {
+        smartcard_channel_send_error(smartcard_channel, item);
+        break;
+        smartcard_channel_send_reader_add_response(smartcard_channel, item);
+        break;
+        smartcard_channel_send_msg(smartcard_channel, item);
+    }
+static void smartcard_channel_release_pipe_item(RedChannel *channel, PipeItem *item, int item_pushed)
+    free(item);
+    if (item->type == PIPE_ITEM_TYPE_MSG) {
+        free(((MsgItem*)item)->vheader);
+    }
+static void smartcard_channel_disconnect(RedChannel *channel)
+    smartcard_readers_detach_all((SmartCardChannel*)channel);
+    red_channel_destroy(channel);
+    red_smartcard_channel = NULL;
+/* this is called from both device input and client input. since the device is
+ * a usb device, the context is still the main thread (kvm_main_loop, timers)
+ * so no mutex is required. */
+static void smartcard_channel_pipe_add(SmartCardChannel *channel, PipeItem *item)
+    red_channel_pipe_add(&channel->base, item);
+static void smartcard_push_error(SmartCardChannel* channel, reader_id_t reader_id, VSCErrorCode error)
+    ErrorItem *error_item = spice_new0(ErrorItem, 1);
+    error_item->base.type = PIPE_ITEM_TYPE_ERROR;
+    error_item->reader_id = reader_id;
+    error_item->error = error;
+    smartcard_channel_pipe_add(channel, &error_item->base);
+static void smartcard_push_reader_add_response(SmartCardChannel *channel, uint32_t reader_id)
+    ReaderAddResponseItem *rar_item = spice_new0(ReaderAddResponseItem, 1);
+    rar_item->base.type = PIPE_ITEM_TYPE_READER_ADD_RESPONSE;
+    rar_item->reader_id = reader_id;
+    smartcard_channel_pipe_add(channel, &rar_item->base);
+static void smartcard_push_vscmsg(SmartCardChannel *channel, VSCMsgHeader *vheader)
+    MsgItem *msg_item = spice_new0(MsgItem, 1);
+    msg_item->base.type = PIPE_ITEM_TYPE_MSG;
+    msg_item->vheader = vheader;
+    smartcard_channel_pipe_add(channel, &msg_item->base);
+void smartcard_on_message_from_device(SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel,
+    reader_id_t reader_id, VSCMsgHeader* vheader)
+    ASSERT(reader_id == vheader->reader_id);
+    smartcard_push_vscmsg(smartcard_channel, vheader);
+static void smartcard_remove_reader(SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, reader_id_t reader_id)
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device = smartcard_readers_get(reader_id);
+    SmartCardDeviceState *state;
+    if (char_device == NULL) {
+        smartcard_push_error(smartcard_channel, reader_id,
+            VSC_GENERAL_ERROR);
+        return;
+    }
+    state = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(char_device->st, SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+    if (state->attached == FALSE) {
+        smartcard_push_error(smartcard_channel, reader_id,
+            VSC_GENERAL_ERROR);
+        return;
+    }
+    smartcard_char_device_detach(char_device, smartcard_channel);
+static void smartcard_add_reader(SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, uint8_t *name)
+    // TODO - save name somewhere
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device =
+            smartcard_readers_get_unattached();
+    SmartCardDeviceState *state;
+    if (char_device != NULL) {
+        state = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(char_device->st, SmartCardDeviceState, base);
+        smartcard_char_device_attach(char_device, smartcard_channel);
+        smartcard_push_reader_add_response(smartcard_channel, state->reader_id);
+    } else {
+        smartcard_push_error(smartcard_channel, VSCARD_UNDEFINED_READER_ID,
+    }
+static void smartcard_channel_write_to_reader(
+    SmartCardChannel *smartcard_channel, VSCMsgHeader *vheader)
+    SpiceCharDeviceInstance *sin;
+    SpiceCharDeviceInterface *sif;
+    uint32_t n;
+    ASSERT(vheader->reader_id >= 0 &&
+           vheader->reader_id <= smartcard_readers.num);
+    sin = smartcard_readers.sin[vheader->reader_id];
+    sif = SPICE_CONTAINEROF(sin->base.sif, SpiceCharDeviceInterface, base);
+    n = sif->write(sin, (uint8_t*)vheader,
+                   vheader->length + sizeof(VSCMsgHeader));
+    // TODO - add ring
+    ASSERT(n == vheader->length + sizeof(VSCMsgHeader));
+static int smartcard_channel_handle_message(RedChannel *channel, SpiceDataHeader *header, uint8_t *msg)
+    VSCMsgHeader* vheader = (VSCMsgHeader*)msg;
+    SmartCardChannel* smartcard_channel = (SmartCardChannel*)channel;
+    ASSERT(header->size == vheader->length + sizeof(VSCMsgHeader));
+    switch (vheader->type) {
+        case VSC_ReaderAdd:
+            smartcard_add_reader(smartcard_channel, msg + sizeof(VSCMsgHeader));
+            return TRUE;
+            break;
+        case VSC_ReaderRemove:
+            smartcard_remove_reader(smartcard_channel, vheader->reader_id);
+            return TRUE;
+            break;
+        case VSC_ReaderAddResponse:
+            /* We shouldn't get this - we only send it */
+            return TRUE;
+            break;
+        case VSC_Init:
+        case VSC_Error:
+        case VSC_ATR:
+        case VSC_CardRemove:
+        case VSC_APDU:
+            break; // passed on to device
+        default:
+            printf("ERROR: unexpected message on smartcard channel\n");
+            return TRUE;
+    }
+    if (vheader->reader_id >= smartcard_readers.num) {
+        red_printf("ERROR: received message for non existent reader: %d, %d, %d", vheader->reader_id,
+            vheader->type, vheader->length);
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+    smartcard_channel_write_to_reader(smartcard_channel, vheader);
+    return TRUE;
+static void smartcard_link(Channel *channel, RedsStreamContext *peer,
+                        int migration, int num_common_caps,
+                        uint32_t *common_caps, int num_caps,
+                        uint32_t *caps)
+    if (red_smartcard_channel) {
+        red_channel_destroy(&red_smartcard_channel->base);
+    }
+    red_smartcard_channel =
+        (SmartCardChannel *)red_channel_create(sizeof(*red_smartcard_channel),
+                                        peer, core,
+                                        migration, FALSE /* handle_acks */,
+                                        smartcard_channel_config_socket,
+                                        smartcard_channel_disconnect,
+                                        smartcard_channel_handle_message,
+                                        smartcard_channel_alloc_msg_rcv_buf,
+                                        smartcard_channel_release_msg_rcv_buf,
+                                        smartcard_channel_send_item,
+                                        smartcard_channel_release_pipe_item);
+    if (!red_smartcard_channel) {
+        return;
+    }
+    red_channel_init_outgoing_messages_window(&red_smartcard_channel->base);
+static void smartcard_shutdown(Channel *channel)
+static void smartcard_migrate(Channel *channel)
+void smartcard_channel_init()
+    Channel *channel;
+    channel = spice_new0(Channel, 1);
+    channel->type = SPICE_CHANNEL_SMARTCARD;
+    channel->link = smartcard_link;
+    channel->shutdown = smartcard_shutdown;
+    channel->migrate = smartcard_migrate;
+    reds_register_channel(channel);
diff --git a/server/smartcard.h b/server/smartcard.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..790eb87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/smartcard.h
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+#ifndef __SMART_CARD_H__
+#define __SMART_CARD_H__
+#include "server/spice-experimental.h"
+// Maximal length of APDU
+#define APDUBufSize 270
+/** connect to smartcard interface, used by smartcard channel
+ * returns -1 if failed, 0 if successfull
+ */
+int smartcard_device_connect(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device);
+void smartcard_device_disconnect(SpiceCharDeviceInstance *char_device);
+void smartcard_channel_init();
+#endif // __SMART_CARD_H__

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