[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice] spicec-x11: Change source of controller socket name, fixing CVE-2010-2792

Hans de Goede hdegoede at redhat.com
Wed Oct 20 13:00:56 PDT 2010

The socket name used to communicate between the xpi browser plugin and the
spicec was predictable allowing a non priviliged user on the same system
to create the socket before spicec does and thus intercept the messages from
the xpi to the client, including login credentials. This security vulnerability
has been registred with mitre as CVE-2010-2792:

This patch changes the controller code to instead read the socket name
from an environment variable which gets set by the xpi before executing
the spicec, making the socketname private between the client and the xpi.

Note that this means that the controller will only work with an xpi which
has matching changes, the changes are present in the latest version of the
xpi as available as update for / with RHEL-5.5 and RHEL-6.0 .
 client/controller.cpp |   12 ++++++++----
 1 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/client/controller.cpp b/client/controller.cpp
index b5bc0ba..6d1272c 100644
--- a/client/controller.cpp
+++ b/client/controller.cpp
@@ -28,10 +28,6 @@
 #ifdef WIN32
 #define PIPE_NAME "SpiceController-%lu"
-#elif defined(__i386__)
-#define PIPE_NAME "/tmp/SpiceController-%llu.uds"
-#define PIPE_NAME "/tmp/SpiceController-%lu.uds"
 Controller::Controller(ControllerInterface *handler)
@@ -42,7 +38,15 @@ Controller::Controller(ControllerInterface *handler)
     char pipe_name[PIPE_NAME_MAX_LEN];
+#ifdef WIN32
     snprintf(pipe_name, PIPE_NAME_MAX_LEN, PIPE_NAME, Platform::get_process_id());
+    char *p_socket = getenv("SPICE_XPI_SOCKET");
+    if (!p_socket) {
+        LOG_ERROR("Failed to get a controller connection (SPICE_XPI_SOCKET)");
+    }
+    strncpy(pipe_name, p_socket, sizeof(pipe_name));
     LOG_INFO("Creating a controller connection %s", pipe_name);
     _pipe = NamedPipe::create(pipe_name, *this);
     if (!_pipe) {

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