[Spice-devel] SPICE video stream performance

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Mon Jun 6 03:33:48 PDT 2011

On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 06:05:32PM +0800, 李彪 wrote:
> hi, 
> I am hesitating to choose the VM type for desktop virtualization: Whether it is KVM-based or VBOX-based, 
> because we need running Video stream app on VM.
> the video stream's path looks like  below:
>                         Cable                                  IP                              IP
> network camera ----> Digital Video Recorder ----> Stream Server  ----> PCs plus Stream client
> we hope to run Stream Client in VM, instead of physical PC. so the video stream's path looks like:
>                         Cable                                  IP                              IP                                      SPICE
>  network camera ----> Digital Video Recorder ----> Stream Server  ----> VMs plus Stream client   ----> Spice Client
> the video format is H.264 between Stream Client and Stream server, but I know in SPICE protocol it is M-JPEG (can it be replace with h.264 module? is this module available ? ). 
> and the network we use is Gigabit.
> so I wonder whether there is video performance analysis on SPICE protocol, and it would be better if compared to Vbox.

There is no support for h.264 and even if you were to replace the compression and decompression path using h.264 is very expensive in cpu (unless you plan to offload that from the cpu on the host). There is early stage work only on using guest video acceleration. Can you elaborate on the client you use (particularily if it uses gstreamer) and the guest os?

> Thomas

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