[Spice-devel] Unfair comparisons with RDP

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Sat Jun 25 06:34:19 PDT 2011

On Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 09:36:26PM -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
> Hello, all. Another question to be answered only if there is time.  As
> we put SPICE head to head with the TSPlus implementation of RDP, SPICE
> seems to be coming up a bit short and I expect it is somewhat unfairly
> so.  It appears that RDP starts painting the screen sooner that SPICE
> does and so it appears more responsive even if it takes longer to finish
> painting the page than SPICE does.
> Why is that? More importantly, is there a way to tweak SPICE to mitigate
> this effect or is there something in the works to make the initial delay
> less pronounced? Thanks - John

What exactly is the test? what do you mean starting / stopping, does the
time include the launch of spicec or spicy and the connection?

If it includes the connection time perhaps this is a result of the insane
bandwidth calculation we use, sending a very large packet of zeros at
connection initiation.

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