[Spice-devel] smartcard usage

william kc at cobradevil.org
Tue Mar 1 21:51:16 PST 2011

On 03/01/2011 07:29 PM, Frédéric Grelot wrote:
> You've given lots of explanation about what you did and now it works! : if you have time, it may be a good idea to put that into a wiki page at http://www.spice-space.org/page/Main_Page since you already made most of the work :-)
> Frederic.

Ok i have wrote some documentation about my experience.
Could someone review this and maybe try on a clean system to repeat my 


maybe this could be merged in the other howto but i did not want to 
overwrite that yet.

I would like to thank everyone for their answers and specially Alon.

With kind regards


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