[Spice-devel] spicec bug - only works on X display :0.0 (no multi-display support)

Alon Levy alevy at redhat.com
Sun Oct 2 01:15:02 PDT 2011

On Sat, Oct 01, 2011 at 02:16:57AM -0400, Richard Harman wrote:
> (I'm not on the mailing list, please CC me when replying, thanks!)

You are now.

> I have a desktop running fedora with Xorg set up with the classic X
> Window multi-display method, not using Xinerama, or nvidia's thing that
> is similar to Xinerama.
> I've got four displays: :0.0, :0.1, :0.2, and :0.3.  Unfortunately
> spicec refuses to open up on any display besides :0.0 -- even when I try
> to launch it from other displays.  I'm guessing this is something of an
> accident that got hard coded somewhere?  I just tested this on 0.9.0.

The only calls to XOpenDisplay are with NULL, which should take the DISPLAY
environment variable. What is DISPLAY set to? Can you provide $HOME/.spicec/spicec.log (please
erase it first and then run the failed spicec so it contains just the recent log)?

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