[Spice-devel] Spice in School Labs?

David Jaša djasa at redhat.com
Tue Oct 11 05:39:18 PDT 2011

Danishka Navin píše v Út 11. 10. 2011 v 16:44 +0530:
> Can we use this technology to minimize the cost of school labs?

That depends on your setup.

> I would like to test if I could find a documentation to settup on
> Fedora 14 or Fedora 15.

You need Fedora 15, preferably with virt-preview repo enabled. For a
quick intro, use two machines, first x86_64 with virtualization-capable
CPU, second with no special requirements.

On the first machine, install libvirt, spice-server and virt-manager
packages. Using virt-manager, create a new Virtual Machine with QXL
Video Device and Spice display with listen address set to and
allow access without password. Note IP of the physical machine and port
of virtual one (virt-manager shows it to you in VM details).

On the second machine, run
spicy -h <ip of first machine> -p <port of VM>

Play with it for a while and then you should get some idea about spice.

> What is the dirrerence or relationship of Spice and KVM?

Spice is a protocol that is used to access desktops of KVM-powered
virtual machines over network

> Thanks
> -- 
> Danishka Navin
> http://danishkanavin.blogspot.com
> http://twitter.com/danishkanavin
> http://www.flickr.com/photos/danishkanavin/
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David Jaša, RHCE

SPICE QE based in Brno
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