[Spice-devel] About QoS and/or Timing profiling

Antonio Perez-Aranda aperezaranda at yaco.es
Tue Sep 27 15:05:12 PDT 2011

HI all,

I recently started a project to give service about 400 concurrent
desktops but customer ask me for timing profiling tests.

I have set TLS (it's a requeriment), and I could have intranet and
extranet sniffers.

So, Can I measure the delay of events in user desktop with spicy?
Can I mark packages like "mouse" or "keyboard" events with any QoS special ID ?

Thanks for your work, it's amazing.

Antonio Pérez-Aranda Alcaide
aperezaranda at yaco.es

Yaco Sistemas S.L.
C/ Rioja 5, 41001 Sevilla
Teléfono +34 954 50 00 57
Fax      +34 954 50 09 29

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