[Spice-devel] "qxl: add optinal 64bit vram bar" patch significantly slows down Spice

Gerd Hoffmann kraxel at redhat.com
Mon Apr 16 05:43:19 PDT 2012


> Looks like both the BAR and it's backing region were initialized to 4k. 
> The number 4096 does show up in the patch, probably it sneaked into the
> BAR somehow.

Yea, one page is the minimum size, that shouldn't have been the default
though.  Alon has a fix for it (attached), still in the queue due to me
having been sick for two weeks.  Hans, does the patch improve things?

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Name: 0001-qxl-set-default-values-of-vram-_size_mb-to-1.patch
URL: <http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/spice-devel/attachments/20120416/38f56753/attachment.txt>

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