[Spice-devel] Audio recording device - Win 7 guest

Nick Causton ADD.Nick at AssociatedData.co.uk
Wed Apr 25 09:38:24 PDT 2012

Hello David,

Currently using Debian 'Wheezy' Host with Win 7 guest.  Both on the same physical machine.  Libvirt xml file attached.

I believe I have also tried using CentOS and Arch as alternative hosts, according to my notes not openSUSE as I stated before; the Spice server has errors on openSUSE so I never got as far as the Spice client in that test.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Jaša [mailto:djasa at redhat.com] 
Sent: 25 April 2012 13:52
To: Nick Causton
Cc: spice-devel at lists.freedesktop.org
Subject: Re: [Spice-devel] Audio recording device - Win 7 guest

Hi Nick,

Please could you tell what OS do you use as client, your libvirt XML (or qemu command line), in what role did you use "a number of different Linux distros" etc.

It's hard to tell based on info you've posted.


Nick Causton píše v St 25. 04. 2012 v 12:47 +0100:
> Hello,
> I have encountered a Spice guest driver problem with Audio Recording 
> in Win 7 Guest.  This has spice-guest-tools-0.1.exe installed but 
> there is no audio recording device present.
> The default sound device: ich6 is being used which I have found is the 
> only one which allows audio playback to work in Win 7.  Win 7 is fully 
> updated.  I have tried this on a number of different Linux distros, 
> including openSUSE and CentOS, but all behave the same.
> Any suggestions?
> Many thanks,
>   Nick
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David Jaša, RHCE

SPICE QE based in Brno
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