[Spice-devel] [PATCH 2/3] qxl-virtio: adds command logging

Erlon Cruz erlon.cruz at br.flextronics.com
Fri Aug 24 12:10:59 PDT 2012

Now spice commands sent from applications can be logged in guest side

Signed-off-by: Erlon R. Cruz <erlon.cruz at fit-tecnologia.org.br>
Signed-off-by: Fabiano FidĂȘncio <fabiano.fidencio at fit-tecnologia.org.br>
Signed-off-by: Rafael F. Santos <fonsecasantos.rafael at gmail.com>
 src/Makefile.am  |    9 ++-
 src/qxl.h        |    3 +
 src/qxl_logger.c |  254 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/qxl_ring.c   |    5 +
 4 files changed, 268 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/qxl_logger.c

diff --git a/src/Makefile.am b/src/Makefile.am
index fe8f5f0..3ffa3ce 100644
--- a/src/Makefile.am
+++ b/src/Makefile.am
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ qxl_drv_la_SOURCES =				\
 	murmurhash3.c				\
 	murmurhash3.h				\
 	qxl_cursor.c				\
-	compat-api.h
+	compat-api.h				\
+	qxl_logger.c
@@ -78,7 +79,8 @@ virtioqxl_drv_la_SOURCES =			\
 	mspace.h				\
 	murmurhash3.c				\
 	murmurhash3.h				\
-	qxl_cursor.c
+	qxl_cursor.c				\
+	qxl_logger.c
@@ -115,5 +117,6 @@ spiceqxl_drv_la_SOURCES =				\
 	mspace.h				\
 	murmurhash3.c				\
 	murmurhash3.h				\
-	qxl_cursor.c
+	qxl_cursor.c				\
+	qxl_logger.c
diff --git a/src/qxl.h b/src/qxl.h
index 1db0581..7d90dfc 100644
--- a/src/qxl.h
+++ b/src/qxl.h
@@ -430,6 +430,9 @@ void qxl_mem_unverifiable(struct qxl_mem *mem);
 static inline void qxl_mem_unverifiable(struct qxl_mem *mem) {}
+void qxl_log_command(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLCommand *cmd, char *direction);
  * I/O port commands
diff --git a/src/qxl_logger.c b/src/qxl_logger.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40025e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/qxl_logger.c
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+ * qxl command logging -- for debug purposes
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 Red Hat, Inc.
+ *
+ * maintained by Gerd Hoffmann <kraxel at redhat.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 or
+ * (at your option) version 3 of the License.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+#include "config.h"
+#include "qxl.h"
+#define to_llu(x)((long long unsigned)(x))
+static const char *qxl_type[] = {
+    [ QXL_CMD_NOP ]     = "NOP",
+    [ QXL_CMD_DRAW ]    = "DRAW",
+    [ QXL_CMD_UPDATE ]  = "UPDATE",
+    [ QXL_CMD_CURSOR ]  = "CURSOR",
+static const char *qxl_draw_type[] = {
+    [ QXL_DRAW_NOP         ] = "nop",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_FILL        ] = "fill",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_OPAQUE      ] = "opaque",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_COPY        ] = "copy",
+    [ QXL_COPY_BITS        ] = "copy-bits",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_BLEND       ] = "blend",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_BLACKNESS   ] = "blackness",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_WHITENESS   ] = "whitemess",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_INVERS      ] = "invers",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_ROP3        ] = "rop3",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_STROKE      ] = "stroke",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_TEXT        ] = "text",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_TRANSPARENT ] = "transparent",
+    [ QXL_DRAW_ALPHA_BLEND ] = "alpha-blend",
+static const char *qxl_draw_effect[] = {
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_BLEND            ] = "blend",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_OPAQUE           ] = "opaque",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_REVERT_ON_DUP    ] = "revert-on-dup",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_BLACKNESS_ON_DUP ] = "blackness-on-dup",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_WHITENESS_ON_DUP ] = "whiteness-on-dup",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_NOP_ON_DUP       ] = "nop-on-dup",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_NOP              ] = "nop",
+    [ QXL_EFFECT_OPAQUE_BRUSH     ] = "opaque-brush",
+static const char *qxl_surface_cmd[] = {
+   [ QXL_SURFACE_CMD_CREATE  ] = "create",
+   [ QXL_SURFACE_CMD_DESTROY ] = "destroy",
+static const char *spice_surface_fmt[] = {
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_INVALID  ] = "invalid",
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_1_A      ] = "alpha/1",
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_8_A      ] = "alpha/8",
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_16_555   ] = "555/16",
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_16_565   ] = "565/16",
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_xRGB  ] = "xRGB/32",
+   [ SPICE_SURFACE_FMT_32_ARGB  ] = "ARGB/32",
+static const char *qxl_cursor_cmd[] = {
+   [ QXL_CURSOR_SET   ] = "set",
+   [ QXL_CURSOR_MOVE  ] = "move",
+   [ QXL_CURSOR_HIDE  ] = "hide",
+   [ QXL_CURSOR_TRAIL ] = "trail",
+static const char *spice_cursor_type[] = {
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_ALPHA   ] = "alpha",
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_MONO    ] = "mono",
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR4  ] = "color4",
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR8  ] = "color8",
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR16 ] = "color16",
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR24 ] = "color24",
+   [ SPICE_CURSOR_TYPE_COLOR32 ] = "color32",
+static const char *
+qxl_v2n(const char *n[], size_t l, int v)
+    if (v >= l || !n[v]) {
+        return "???";
+    }
+    return n[v];
+#ifndef ARRAY_SIZE
+#define ARRAY_SIZE(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof((x)[0]))
+#define qxl_name(_list, _value) qxl_v2n(_list, ARRAY_SIZE(_list), _value)
+static void
+qxl_log_image(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLPHYSICAL addr, int group_id)
+    QXLImage *image;
+    QXLImageDescriptor *desc;
+    image = virtual_address(qxl,(void *)addr,group_id);
+    desc = &image->descriptor;
+    fprintf(stderr," (id %" PRIx64 " type %d flags %d width %d height %d",
+            desc->id, desc->type, desc->flags, desc->width, desc->height);
+    switch (desc->type) {
+        fprintf(stderr,", fmt %d flags %d x %d y %d stride %d"
+                " palette %" PRIx64,
+                image->bitmap.format, image->bitmap.flags,
+                image->bitmap.x, image->bitmap.y,
+                image->bitmap.stride,
+                image->bitmap.palette);
+        break;
+    }
+    fprintf(stderr,")");
+static void
+qxl_log_rect(QXLRect *rect)
+    fprintf(stderr," %dx%d+%d+%d",
+            rect->right - rect->left,
+            rect->bottom - rect->top,
+            rect->left, rect->top);
+static void
+qxl_log_cmd_draw_copy(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLCopy *copy, int group_id)
+    int offset;
+    char *data;
+    data = virtual_address(qxl,(void *)copy->src_bitmap,group_id);
+    offset = physical_address(qxl,data, 0);
+    fprintf(stderr," src @ %d",offset);
+    qxl_log_image(qxl, copy->src_bitmap, group_id);
+    fprintf(stderr," area");
+    qxl_log_rect(&copy->src_area);
+    fprintf(stderr," rop %d", copy->rop_descriptor);
+static void
+qxl_log_cmd_draw(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLDrawable *draw, int group_id)
+    fprintf(stderr,"surface_id %d type %s effect %s",
+            draw->surface_id,
+            qxl_name(qxl_draw_type, draw->type),
+            qxl_name(qxl_draw_effect, draw->effect));
+    if (draw->type != QXL_DRAW_COPY) {
+        return;
+    }
+    qxl_log_cmd_draw_copy(qxl, &draw->u.copy, group_id);
+static void
+qxl_log_cmd_surface(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLSurfaceCmd *cmd)
+    uint64_t offset;
+    fprintf(stderr," %s id %d",
+            qxl_name(qxl_surface_cmd, cmd->type),
+            cmd->surface_id);
+    if (cmd->type == QXL_SURFACE_CMD_DESTROY) {
+        return;
+    }
+    offset = cmd->u.surface_create.data;
+    fprintf(stderr," size %dx%d stride %d format %s data @ %llu",
+            cmd->u.surface_create.width,
+            cmd->u.surface_create.height,
+            cmd->u.surface_create.stride,
+            qxl_name(spice_surface_fmt, cmd->u.surface_create.format),
+            to_llu(offset));
+static void
+qxl_log_cmd_cursor(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLCursorCmd *cmd, int group_id)
+    QXLCursor *cursor;
+    int offset;
+    fprintf(stderr," %s", qxl_name(qxl_cursor_cmd, cmd->type));
+    switch (cmd->type) {
+    case QXL_CURSOR_SET:
+        cursor = virtual_address(qxl, (void *)cmd->u.set.shape, group_id);
+        //FIXME: Should print the offset for PCI address as well
+        offset = physical_address(qxl,cursor,qxl->main_mem_slot);
+        fprintf(stderr," +%d+%d visible %s, shape @ %d",
+                cmd->u.set.position.x,
+                cmd->u.set.position.y,
+                cmd->u.set.visible ? "yes" : "no",
+                offset);
+        fprintf(stderr," type %s size %dx%d hot-spot +%d+%d"
+                " unique 0x%" PRIx64 " data-size %d",
+                qxl_name(spice_cursor_type, cursor->header.type),
+                cursor->header.width, cursor->header.height,
+                cursor->header.hot_spot_x, cursor->header.hot_spot_y,
+                cursor->header.unique, cursor->data_size);
+        break;
+    case QXL_CURSOR_MOVE:
+        fprintf(stderr," +%d+%d", cmd->u.position.x, cmd->u.position.y);
+        break;
+    }
+qxl_log_command(qxl_screen_t *qxl, QXLCommand *cmd, char *direction)
+    void *data;
+    data = virtual_address (qxl,(void *)cmd->data,qxl->main_mem_slot);
+    //FIXME: Should print the offset for PCI address as well
+    fprintf(stderr,"%sGUEST DEBUGQXL: cmd: %s @ %llu: ",
+            direction,qxl_name(qxl_type, cmd->type),to_llu(cmd->data));
+    switch (cmd->type) {
+    case QXL_CMD_SURFACE:
+        qxl_log_cmd_surface(qxl, data);
+        break;
+    case QXL_CMD_CURSOR:
+        qxl_log_cmd_cursor(qxl, data, qxl->main_mem_slot);
+        break;
+    case QXL_CMD_DRAW:
+        qxl_log_cmd_draw(qxl, data, qxl->main_mem_slot);
+        break;
+    };
+    fprintf(stderr,"\n");
diff --git a/src/qxl_ring.c b/src/qxl_ring.c
index fcbaaa7..5dd1f90 100644
--- a/src/qxl_ring.c
+++ b/src/qxl_ring.c
@@ -77,6 +77,11 @@ qxl_ring_push (struct qxl_ring *ring,
     volatile uint8_t *elt;
     int idx;
+    struct QXLCommand *cmd = (QXLCommand *)new_elt;
+    qxl_log_command(ring->qxl, cmd, "");
     while (header->prod - header->cons == header->num_items)
 	header->notify_on_cons = header->cons + 1;

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