[Spice-devel] Problem about qxl and vmc

wangfeng wangfeng wangfeng.v1.1985 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 11 19:17:20 PDT 2012

2012/3/9 Alon Levy <alevy at redhat.com>

> On Fri, Mar 09, 2012 at 09:01:06AM +0800, wangfeng wangfeng wrote:
> > Hi, thank you for your patience.
> >
> > The whole info qtree:
> > *bus: main-system-bus*
> [snip]
> > *      dev: virtio-serial-pci, id "virtio-serial0"*
> > *        dev-prop: ioeventfd = on*
> > *        dev-prop: vectors = 32*
> > *        dev-prop: class = 0x780*
> > *        dev-prop: indirect_desc = on*
> > *        dev-prop: event_idx = on*
> > *        dev-prop: max_ports = 31*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 04.0*
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = <null>*
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = off*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class Class 0780, addr 00:04.0, pci id 1af4:1003 (sub
> 1af4:0003)*
> > *        bar 0: i/o at 0xc200 [0xc21f]*
> > *        bar 1: mem at 0xf4040000 [0xf4040fff]*
> > *        bus: virtio-serial0.0*
> > *          type virtio-serial-bus*
> > *          dev: virtserialport, id "channel0"*
> > *            dev-prop: chardev = charchannel0*
> > *            bus-prop: nr = 1*
> > *            bus-prop: name = "com.redhat.spice.0"*
> > *            port 1, guest on, host on, throttle off*
> Ah, that's what I was looking for. Now that I see it I'm not sure if it
> gives me enough clues. It means the guest opened the device.
> Wang, just to make sure I understand, this is after virsh save and
> restore, right? so before that you had the same "guest on, host on" and
> working copy&paste, and after that none?
> No matter before or after save&restore, it is always "guest on, host on"
and copy&paste worked well.
The only distinguish is mouse.

> Can you please provide a clean c:\windows\temp\vdagent.log and
> c:\windows\temp\vdservice.log, by clean I mean please delete them,
> restart the vm (so the driver and vdservice load in the usual manner, I
> don't want to just restart vdservice, that might "solve" the problem),
> save the files once (vdagent.pre.log, vdservice.pre.log), then virsh
> save, virsh restore, verify c&p *doesn't* work, and save the log files
> again (vdagent.post.log, vdservice.post.log) and attach them to this
> thread.
7.534 VDAgent::run:
7.534 VDAgent::run: ***Agent started in session 1***
7.534 log_version:
7.534 VDAgent::connect_pipe: Connected to service pipe
7.534 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: Sending capabilities:
7.534 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: 37
7.534 VDAgent::input_desktop_message_loop: Desktop: Winlogon
7.534 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: Got capabilities (1)
7.534 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: 37
7.534 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: Got capabilities (1)
7.534 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: 37
7.534 VDAgent::handle_display_config:
7.534 DisplaySetting::set: setting display options
7.534 DisplaySetting::get_user_process_id: explorer.exe not found
7.534 DisplaySetting::reload_from_registry: get_user_process_id failed
9.110 VDAgent::read_completion: error 233
9.110 VDAgent::run: Agent stopped
9.126 VDAgent::run:
9.126 VDAgent::run: ***Agent started in session 1***
9.126 log_version:
9.126 VDAgent::connect_pipe: Connected to service pipe
9.126 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: Sending capabilities:
9.126 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: 37
9.126 VDAgent::input_desktop_message_loop: Desktop: Winlogon
9.126 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: Got capabilities (1)
9.126 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: 37
9.703 VDAgent::handle_control: session logon
11.980 VDAgent::input_desktop_message_loop: WinSta0_DesktopSwitch
11.980 VDAgent::input_desktop_message_loop: Desktop: Default
11.980 VDAgent::input_desktop_message_loop: First display setting
11.980 DisplaySetting::load: loading display setting
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_from_registry: explorer pid 1280
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper:
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper: wallpaper wasn't disabled
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing:
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing: font smoothing value didn't
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_animation:
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation:
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation: reload window animation:
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects:
11.980 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects: UserPreferencesMask = 80073e9e 12
12.027 VDAgent::on_clipboard_grab: Unsupported clipboard format
after save&restore
157.576 VDAgent::wnd_proc: WM_DESTROYCLIPBOARD
320.379 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: Got capabilities (1)
320.379 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: 37
320.379 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: Sending capabilities:
320.379 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: 37
320.410 VDAgent::handle_display_config:
320.410 DisplaySetting::set: setting display options
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_from_registry: explorer pid 1280
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper:
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper: wallpaper wasn't disabled
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing:
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing: font smoothing value didn't
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_animation:
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation:
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation: reload window animation:
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects:
320.410 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects: UserPreferencesMask = 80073e9e 12
360.221 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: Got capabilities (1)
360.221 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: 37
360.221 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: Sending capabilities:
360.221 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: 37
360.268 VDAgent::handle_display_config:
360.268 DisplaySetting::set: setting display options
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_from_registry: explorer pid 1280
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper:
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper: wallpaper wasn't disabled
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing:
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing: font smoothing value didn't
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_animation:
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation:
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation: reload window animation:
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects:
360.268 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects: UserPreferencesMask = 80073e9e 12
404.697 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: Got capabilities (1)
404.697 VDAgent::handle_announce_capabilities: 37
404.697 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: Sending capabilities:
404.697 VDAgent::send_announce_capabilities: 37
405.212 VDAgent::handle_display_config:
405.212 DisplaySetting::set: setting display options
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_from_registry: explorer pid 1280
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper:
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_wallpaper: wallpaper wasn't disabled
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing:
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_font_smoothing: font smoothing value didn't
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_animation:
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation:
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_win_animation: reload window animation:
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects:
405.212 DisplaySetting::reload_ui_effects: UserPreferencesMask = 80073e9e 12

*vdservice.log(no new info after save&restore):*
 624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:58,114::VDService::main::***Service started***
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:58,114::log_version::
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:58,114::VDService::launch_agent::Wait for
vdagent to connect
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:58,145::VDService::launch_agent::Pipe connected
by vdagent
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:58,145::VDService::execute::created
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:58,145::VDService::execute::Connected to server
612::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:59,721::VDService::control_handler::Session 1
09:11:59,721::VDService::handle_control_event::Control command 3
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:59,721::VDService::kill_agent::vdagent exit
code 0
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:59,721::VDService::launch_agent::Wait for
vdagent to connect
624::INFO::2012-03-12 09:11:59,736::VDService::launch_agent::Pipe connected
by vdagent
612::INFO::2012-03-12 09:12:00,314::VDService::control_handler::Session 1
09:12:00,314::VDService::handle_control_event::Control command 2

Cc'ing Arnon, maybe he has some idea
> Also, please use text only email, and don't drop the list from the
> To/Cc, Thanks.
> > *      dev: piix3-usb-uhci, id "usb"*
> > *        dev-prop: masterbus = <null>*
> > *        dev-prop: firstport = 0*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 01.2*
> > *
> > *
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = <null>*
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = off*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class USB controller, addr 00:01.2, pci id 8086:7020 (sub
> > 1af4:1100)*
> > *        bar 4: i/o at 0xc020 [0xc03f]*
> > *        bus: usb.0*
> > *          type USB*
> > *          dev: usb-tablet, id "input0"*
> > *            bus-prop: port = <null>*
> > *            addr 0.2, port 1, speed 12, name QEMU USB Tablet, attached*
> > *      dev: PIIX4_PM, id ""*
> > *        dev-prop: smb_io_base = 45312*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 01.3*
> > *
> > *
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = <null>*
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = off*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class Bridge, addr 00:01.3, pci id 8086:7113 (sub 1af4:1100)*
> > *        bus: i2c*
> > *          type I2C*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 87*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 86*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 85*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 84*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 83*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 82*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 81*
> > *          dev: smbus-eeprom, id ""*
> > *            bus-prop: address = 80*
> > *      dev: piix3-ide, id ""*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 01.1*
> > *
> > *
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = <null>*
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = off*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class IDE controller, addr 00:01.1, pci id 8086:7010 (sub
> > 1af4:1100)*
> > *        bar 4: i/o at 0xc000 [0xc00f]*
> > *        bus: ide.1*
> > *          type IDE*
> > *        bus: ide.0*
> > *          type IDE*
> > *          dev: ide-drive, id "ide0-0-0"*
> > *            dev-prop: drive = drive-ide0-0-0*
> > *            dev-prop: logical_block_size = 512*
> > *            dev-prop: physical_block_size = 512*
> > *            dev-prop: min_io_size = 0*
> > *            dev-prop: opt_io_size = 0*
> > *            dev-prop: bootindex = 1*
> > *            dev-prop: discard_granularity = 0*
> > *            dev-prop: ver = "0.15.1"*
> > *            dev-prop: serial = "QM00001"*
> > *            bus-prop: unit = 0*
> > *      dev: qxl-vga, id ""*
> > *        dev-prop: ram_size = 67108864*
> > *        dev-prop: vram_size = 67108864*
> > *        dev-prop: revision = 3*
> > *        dev-prop: debug = 0*
> > *        dev-prop: guestdebug = 0*
> > *        dev-prop: cmdlog = 0*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 02.0*
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = "vgabios-qxl.bin"*
> > *
> > *
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = off*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class VGA controller, addr 00:02.0, pci id 1b36:0100 (sub
> > 1af4:1100)*
> > *        bar 0: mem at 0xf0000000 [0xf3ffffff]*
> > *        bar 1: mem at 0xf8000000 [0xfbffffff]*
> > *        bar 2: mem at 0xf4000000 [0xf4001fff]*
> > *        bar 3: i/o at 0xc040 [0xc05f]*
> > *        bar 6: mem at 0xffffffffffffffff [0xfffe]*
> > *      dev: PIIX3, id ""*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 01.0*
> > *
> > *
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = <null>*
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = on*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class ISA bridge, addr 00:01.0, pci id 8086:7000 (sub
> 1af4:1100)*
> > *        bus: isa.0*
> > *          type ISA*
> > *          dev: isa-serial, id "serial0"*
> > *            dev-prop: index = 0*
> > *            dev-prop: iobase = 0x3f8*
> > *            dev-prop: irq = 4*
> > *            dev-prop: chardev = charserial0*
> > *            isa irq 4*
> > *          dev: isa-fdc, id ""*
> > *            dev-prop: driveA = <null>*
> > *            dev-prop: driveB = <null>*
> > *            dev-prop: bootindexA = -1*
> > *            dev-prop: bootindexB = -1*
> > *            isa irq 6*
> > *          dev: port92, id ""*
> > *          dev: vmmouse, id ""*
> > *          dev: vmport, id ""*
> > *          dev: i8042, id ""*
> > *            isa irqs 1,12*
> > *          dev: isa-pit, id ""*
> > *            dev-prop: irq = 0*
> > *            dev-prop: iobase = 0x40*
> > *          dev: mc146818rtc, id ""*
> > *            dev-prop: base_year = 2000*
> > *      dev: i440FX, id ""*
> > *        bus-prop: addr = 00.0*
> > *
> > *
> > *        bus-prop: romfile = <null>*
> > *        bus-prop: rombar = 1*
> > *        bus-prop: multifunction = off*
> > *        bus-prop: command_serr_enable = on*
> > *        class Host bridge, addr 00:00.0, pci id 8086:1237 (sub
> 1af4:1100)*
> > *  dev: ioapic, id ""*
> > *    gpio-in 24*
> > *    irq 0*
> > *    mmio 00000000fec00000/0000000000001000*
> > *  dev: fw_cfg, id ""*
> > *    dev-prop: ctl_iobase = 0x510*
> > *    dev-prop: data_iobase = 0x511*
> > *    irq 0*
> > *    mmio ffffffffffffffff/0000000000000002*
> > *    mmio ffffffffffffffff/0000000000000002*
> > *  dev: kvmclock, id ""*
> > *    irq 0*
> > *  dev: apic, id ""*
> > *    dev-prop: id = 0*
> > *    irq 0*
> > *    mmio 00000000fee00000/0000000000100000*
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