[Spice-devel] virt viewer from windows to spice server with tls and certificate file problems (what uri?)

Jodi Curtis jodi.curtis at gmail.com
Sun Nov 11 15:28:05 PST 2012


I'm having trouble connecting to a spice server with tls enabled through
virt-viewer on windows, I have tls configured and a ca-cert.pem file, but I
don't know where to put it, or what to use

I have tried various combinations of spice://

I have tried adding +ssh or +tls, I have tried adding the ca-cert.pem file
to the location used by the spicec page that covers how to set up tls, and
I have tried adding my username before the IP.

I have tried connecting to both ports.

Any help on what it should be, or if there is an alternative to virt-viewer
on windows that I need to use for the secure connection.

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