[Spice-devel] Question: Spice client called in a PXE environment

David Jaša djasa at redhat.com
Tue Oct 2 15:27:14 PDT 2012


Oscar Torrente Artero píše v Pá 28. 09. 2012 v 00:29 +0200:
> Hello.
> I love LTSP, but it seems that RedHat/Fedora has lost all interest in
> this technology.
> I would like to think that a combinacion of a SPICE and a PXE server
> would be a  nice (and better) replacement for having thin clients
> which would boot directly in a virtualized and centralized system.
> Having this in mind, could the SPICE client program be called inside a
> PXE chain boot by a diskless machine?

Yes, it could. The difficulty of doing so would depend on server side
implementation: if you would use password-less qemu run directly or by
libvirt listening on fixed port, you just add invocation of
remote-viewer as a last thing to do on boot. OTOH if you want to use
full power of oVirt for VM management, you'd have to use some wrapper to
oVirt REST API that would ask the user for credentials and give him VM

There is a bug asking for integration of this to remote-viewer itself
but it is still WIP as far as I understand:


> If so, how could it be possible?
> Thanks!!
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David Jaša, RHCE

SPICE QE based in Brno
GPG Key:     22C33E24 
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