[Spice-devel] No hardware acceleration on win7

Tom Wijmenga tomwijmenga at gmail.com
Wed Oct 10 23:56:20 PDT 2012

Hi there,


After installing Spice on Ubuntu Quantal Quetzal and setting up a Win7 host
with the QXL drivers (which are found correctly), things aren't working as
they should. The performance of the graphical layer isn't optimal. There are
three issues I found:


.         When stressing the VM by playing a full hd movie, the CPU of the
guest OS tops at 100% and the performance is reduced massively

.         I get quite a few warnings on the Hypervisor saying: 

(/usr/bin/kvm-spice:3756): Spice-Warning **:
red_parse_qxl.c:406:red_get_image: guest error: missing palette on bitmap

.         When adding the Audio driver to the command line to run the guest,
video performance of the guest is completely gone when stressing it by
playing  any kind of video. The audio is working correctly, but the video
performance is drastically reduces. The command for this: kvm-spice .
-device AC97,id=sound0,bus=pci.0,addr=0x5


The command I use to start the Windows 7 guest: kvm-spice -cpu host -name
win-7 -enable-kvm -m 3000 -M pc-1.2 -net nic,macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:95:D0 -net
tap,script=/etc/qemu-ifup -usb -drive file=/var/vmmachines/win-7.img -vga
qxl -spice port=5901,disable-ticketing


I used Ubuntu 12.10 server (Beta 2) as hypervisor, the server is able to
support hardware acceleration. To install all tools, I ran apt-get install

QEMU emulator version 1.2.0


I'm basically stuck with proving the capabilities of SPICE, which I know are
amazing, but I can't get it to work properly.


Kind regards, 


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