[Spice-devel] vdagent-win-x86

Ignazio Cassano ignaziocassano at gmail.com
Sun Jul 14 23:12:41 PDT 2013

Hi, I am sorry If I disturb you again.
I am using last stace-guest-tools (0.59) on my windows xp sp3 guests but I
got some issues on virtio net like the following bug:


Have you ever heard anything about it ?
I am using fedora 17 kvm hypervisor.
On the same host I virtualized windows xp guests 8-9 month ago and I did
not get any issue.
Do you think there is any issue with new versions of windows guest tools ?


2013/5/16 Ignazio Cassano <ignaziocassano at gmail.com>

> Many thanks.
> I received the package
> 2013/5/16 <agilboa at redhat.com>
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