[Spice-devel] [Spice-HTML5][PATCH 1/2] added sendCtrlAltDel method.

Jeremy White jwhite at codeweavers.com
Mon Mar 4 12:53:54 PST 2013

>> Don't you need to also send KEY_UP messages ?
> No, the clients (tested on windows and fedora) respond to the key down event.
> The next keyboard event contain modifier flags state(Shift, Ctrl, Alt etc.) in it and the html client will update the modifier state.
> Amos.

I am concerned about this patch.  If this code is used to send
ctrl-alt-delete to an environment that ignores it, it seems as though
it would leave the receiving end in the wrong state.

The server thinks ctrl and alt are pressed, so if I type 'c' on the
keyboard, the server is going to think it should act on ctrl-alt-c.

And what if I'm ignoring ctrl-alt-del, and I have repeat on key press
configured in my window manager; now I'm going to flood an infinity of
ctrl-alt-del into the target window manager.

For ctrl and alt, we have the current state, so it should be possible to
preserve those.  I can live with the state of del being lost, but if
we're going to 'corrupt' the del key, the end state of del should be up,
not down.



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