[Spice-devel] [PATCH 0/2] stability for dual head

David Mansfield spice at dm.cobite.com
Mon May 19 07:01:44 PDT 2014

This patch series addresses two critical bugs that prevent dual-head 
from working in a linux-linux environment. (All testing done on F20 
fully updated as guest, host and client).

We (myself and a colleague) have been using patched versions of qxl.ko 
and xorg-qxl for a week or so and these patches definitely solve the 
problems addressed by the invididual patches.

Patches are against F20 package source.

Please consider reviewing/accepting these patches without which dual 
head cannot be used(*) in linux.

These patches or previous versions have been sent to the list but I have 
not received any feedback.

(*) by coincidence, dual head with small-ish monitor sizes does work 
better on gnome3 than it does with other DE (ie. MATE or fluxbox) due 
simply to luck in the order that the monitors/surfaces ioctl are called, 
but not due to any design.

David Mansfield
Cobite, INC.

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