[Spice-devel] Problems in using smartcard

Blangero1987@gmail.com blangero1987 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 03:44:55 PDT 2014

I want to use my smartcard to work on both my client and the Guest OS , following the manual on http://www.spice-space.org/page/SmartcardUsage 
the xml file of my GuestOS looks like this:

<smartcard mode='passthrough' type='spicevmc'> 
<address type='ccid' controller='0' slot='0'/> 

I got a smartcard reader in my GuestOS, but while running remote-viewer with the --spice-smartcard argument, I cannot find my smartcard in the GuestOS.
I followed the "Debugging"
certutil -L but get 
certutil: function failed: SEC_ERROR_LEGACY_DATABASE: The certificate/key database is in an old, unsupported format.
Is it because my smartcard is neither aet nor coolkey?

while running remote-viewer with --debug and --spice-debug I can get the following about smartcard:
#cat remote-viewer-conn.log | grep smartcard
(remote-viewer:1619): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:1735 smartcard-8:0: use mini header: 1
(remote-viewer:1619): GSpice-DEBUG: spice-channel.c:1103 smartcard-8:0: channel up, state 2
(remote-viewer:1619): GSpice-DEBUG: smartcard-manager.c:420 smartcard_manager_init
(remote-viewer:1619): GSpice-DEBUG: smartcard-manager.c:455 vcard_emul_init
(remote-viewer:1619): GSpice-DEBUG: smartcard-manager.c:468 smartcard_manager_init end: 1
(remote-viewer:1619): GSpice-DEBUG: smartcard-manager.c:526 smartcard_manager_finish

1.Anyone know where I make a mistake?
2.I cannot start my VM in host mode of smartcard because QEMU does not support host, why?

Blangero1987 at gmail.com
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