[Spice-devel] spice ssl live migration

David Jaša djasa at redhat.com
Wed Oct 22 06:05:15 PDT 2014


On St, 2014-10-22 at 12:03 +0800, yao xu wrote:
> Hi all!
> I am using spice and ovirt(a old version). 
> when  I use remote-viewer with correct ssl certifacate to connect the
> vm , and then live migrate the vm to another host ,

The certificates for both hosts have to be issued by the same CA.

> remote-viewer is dead .I must reconnect the vm .
> Can I use remote-viewer continuous when the vm is migrating?  How to
> configure the ssl certificate ?

Yes, you can. Configuration may be different based on the way you launch
the VMs: e.g. when you use oVirt/RHEV, it will take care of correct TLS
setup automatically. Libvirt can do most of the tasks for you but you
still have to set up certificates correctly yourself and when you use
plain qemu, you have to feed correct configuration even to qemu monitor.

So: how do you manage your VMs?


> Thank you .
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