[Spice-devel] Wiki cleanup

Christophe Fergeau cfergeau at redhat.com
Tue Sep 30 01:32:42 PDT 2014

On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 10:44:03AM -0500, Jeremy White wrote:
> >>And have patches and/or commit access to that tree be welcome.
> >
> >If the git repository is on freedesktop, giving commit access could be
> >tricky (as in 'slow'). If it's on spice-space.org, should be doable, but
> >someone has to do the setup...
> I don't know that granting commit access needs to be fast. 

Yeah, the only reason I mentioned that is that freedesktop new account
creation can be _very_ slow :)

> I'm happy to do the leg work on the commit hooks, if that would help.

At this point I'm mainly wondering what machine will need ssh access to
which other machine (assuming we have a git server on one side and a
webserver on the other). I'd rather non of them can ssh on the other

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