[Spice-devel] [PATCH 30/33] Allow to override default values generated for the fields

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Wed Jul 1 10:10:22 PDT 2015

ws_type override the type (BOOLEAN -> FT_BOOLEAN).
ws_base override the base (DEC -> BASE_HEX).
ws_desc override the description.
ws allow to specify description and name for wireshark. Name is
important as allows filters. Having a single attribute with 2 values
allows to quickly specify the main attributes.

Signed-off-by: Frediano Ziglio <fziglio at redhat.com>
 python_modules/dissector.py | 46 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 43 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/python_modules/dissector.py b/python_modules/dissector.py
index 23bb96a..5b14b92 100644
--- a/python_modules/dissector.py
+++ b/python_modules/dissector.py
@@ -199,12 +199,30 @@ def get_primitive_ft_type(t):
     assert size in (1, 2, 4, 8)
     return "FT_%sINT%d" % (unsigned, size * 8)
+# fix some attributes
+# ws attribute contains description and optionally a name
+def fix_attributes(t):
+    if t and t.has_attr('ws'):
+        ws = t.attributes['ws']
+        if not t.has_attr('ws_name'):
+            t.attributes['ws_name'] = [ws[1]]
+        if not t.has_attr('ws_desc'):
+            t.attributes['ws_desc'] = [ws[0]]
 # write a field
 def write_wireshark_field(writer, container, member, t, tree, size, encoding='ENC_LITTLE_ENDIAN', prefix=''):
     assert(member and container)
-    hf_name = member_hf_name(container, member)
+    def get_member_t_attr(attr, default=None):
+        if t.has_attr(attr):
+            default = t.attributes[attr][0]
+        if member and member.has_attr(attr):
+            default = member.attributes[attr][0]
+        return default
+    fix_attributes(member)
+    fix_attributes(t)
     # compute proper type
     f_type = 'FT_NONE'
@@ -224,8 +242,30 @@ def write_wireshark_field(writer, container, member, t, tree, size, encoding='EN
             vals = 'VALS(%s_vs)' % codegen.prefix_underscore_lower(t.name)
-    desc = member.name
-    ws_name = 'auto.' + hf_name[3:]
+    # override type
+    ws_type = get_member_t_attr('ws_type')
+    if ws_type:
+        f_type = 'FT_%s' % ws_type
+        if f_type == 'FT_BOOLEAN':
+            vals = 'TFS(&tfs_set_notset)'
+        base = 'BASE_NONE'
+        vals = 'NULL'
+    # override base
+    ws_base = get_member_t_attr('ws_base')
+    if ws_base:
+        base = 'BASE_%s' % ws_base
+    # read description
+    desc = get_member_t_attr('ws_desc', member.name)
+    # read name
+    ws_name = get_member_t_attr('ws_name')
+    if not ws_name:
+        hf_name = member_hf_name(container, member)
+        ws_name = 'auto.' + hf_name[3:]
+    else:
+        hf_name = 'hf_%s' % ws_name.replace('.', '_')
     writer.statement("%sproto_tree_add_item(%s, %s, glb->tvb, offset, %s, %s)" %
             (prefix, tree, hf_name, size, encoding))

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