[Spice-devel] usbredir :why "cancel_data_packet" found?

jiangdahui jdh1988 at yeah.net
Wed Mar 18 06:33:57 PDT 2015

      I'm working on usbredir with spicy on sparc and spice server on x86.
      After adjust endian for arch, and observe the debug info, I find that a unexpected interactive.
      spicy(usb host)                                                                                spice server(usb guest)
      transfer data....
                                                                                                                    ??? :unknown handle for me
      transfer data over---------usb_redir_control_packet(with data)---------->
      cancel the packet
      interactive like these lead to failure of packet transfer between the two at the end.
     I guess the reason the spice server send "usb_redir_cancel_data_packet" is that it is too slow that the usb host reply with "usb_redir_control_packet" in function "usbredirhost_control_packet_complete", because when I gdb it in X86, if I break in the function for a while , "usb_redir_cancel_data_packet" also found.

    so how to solve, yes, the usb host has not so good performance, but for the usbredir function, it should be enough, I mean is it possible that some expire time in qemu can be adjusted or other method can harmonize the two ?
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