[Spice-devel] refactory and file names

Frediano Ziglio fziglio at redhat.com
Mon Nov 23 09:44:06 PST 2015

  as part of the refactory there are some file renames. Actually
the patches with files renames where removed if the file was already
present and all new files has already the new names.

The files should be (as the original changes) renamed like

red_parse_qxl.c -> red-parse-qxl.c
red_record_qxl.c -> red-record-qxl.c
red_replay_qxl.c -> red-replay-qxl.c
red_parse_qxl.h -> red-parse-qxl.h
red_record_qxl.h -> red-record-qxl.h
red_replay_qxl.h -> red-replay-qxl.h
reds_stream.c -> reds-stream.c
reds_stream.h -> reds-stream.h
red_worker.h -> red-worker.h
red_worker.c -> red-worker.c
lz4_encoder.c -> lz4-encoder.c
lz4_encoder.h -> lz4-encoder.h
red_dispatcher.c -> red-dispatcher.c
red_dispatcher.h -> red-dispatcher.h
red_channel.c -> red-channel.c
red_channel.h -> red-channel.h
red_common.h -> common.h
red_client_cache.h -> cache_item.tmpl.c

Also there are these patches

Now... what's the rationale of these patches?

Prefer hyphen ('-') to underscore ('_') is surely one.

The other, which I really don't like is that all template sources should
finish with .template. I don't like as this force users to set their
environment in order to have syntax highlight of C files.

What's the user preference?


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