[Spice-devel] Spice Using Problem

Christophe Fergeau cfergeau at redhat.com
Fri Sep 25 01:38:59 PDT 2015


On Fri, Sep 25, 2015 at 02:17:22PM +0800, 395459853 at qq.com wrote:
> Hi 
> My hardware environment is ARM Board with Contex-A9 cpu,RAM 1GB 
>  When i use remote-viewer connect to the virtual desktop(win7_x64) via ovirt environment,sometimes win7_x64 crashed,and i can exit from remote-viewer panel to linux ,and remote picture disappeared
> my spicy version is spice-gtk-0.22,virt-viewer version is  virt-viewer-2.0
> is there anything wrong with spicy or my linux system or some dynamic files when spicy connect using??

Is it the guest which is crashing, or your SPICE client running on the
ARM board? spice-gtk 0.22 is nearly 2 years old, I would try upgrading
to the latest release. Do you have any logs, or a gdb backtrace at the
time of the crash?


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