[Spice-devel] [PATCH 1/2] server: Remove the width and height parameters of encode_frame()

Francois Gouget fgouget at codeweavers.com
Tue Apr 19 04:05:59 UTC 2016

On Mon, 18 Apr 2016, Victor Toso wrote:

> Hi,
> On Wed, Mar 02, 2016 at 04:27:34PM +0100, Victor Toso wrote:
> > > As I don't see any new issues and also due the fact that stream-video is
> > > off by default, I'd ack this two patches
> > >
> > > Acked-by: Victor Toso <victortoso at redhat.com>
> >
> > * I tested both patches but only the first one is related to the
> >   sized-stream so my Ack is only for the 1/2 :)
> I was wondering if this patch is okay to go up? :)

Sorry, they are on the backburner again as I'm focusing on the GStreamer 

My initial analysis was a bit off because the selection between sending 
the stream width/height and the src_area dimensions is not based on the 
src area but on the RedDrawable's bounding box[1].

However the frame to encode is the source area of a SpiceCopy structure 
and the dimensions of that bitmap is given by the corresponding src_area 
field. So there is no reason to pass anything else to the stream 
encoder. So I think the patch ended up being right after all.

But as I said I'm currently focusing on getting the GStreamer patches 
in and once that's done I'll work on getting some additional cleanup 
patches for the streaming code[2].

[1] red_marshall_stream_data() makes that determination based on 
    sized_stream which is set in stream_trace_update() or 
    stream_maintenance() if is_next_stream_frame() returns 
    STREAM_FRAME_CONTAINER which is the case if 
    rect_contains(&red_drawable->bbox, other_dest).

[2] See also

Francois Gouget <fgouget at codeweavers.com>

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