[Spice-devel] [virt-tools-list] [PATCH] Disable IME to allow receiving all keys

Takao Fujiwara tfujiwar at redhat.com
Thu Apr 21 04:40:08 UTC 2016

On 04/21/16 01:17, Frediano Ziglio-san wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 05:37:52PM +0900, Takao Fujiwara wrote:
>>> My understanding is, Virt-Viewer with ImmDisableIME(-1) can send key
>>> events even if the title bar is focused when IME is enabled.
>>> I attached the screenshot of the problem when ImmDisableIME(-1) is not
>>> applied.
>>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1311858#c42
>>> But spice-gtk can receives all the key events and if ImmDisableIME(-1) is
>>> applied, users cannot switch IMEs during running Virt-Viewer.
>>> I tested native client with Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 7 and I
>>> couldn't see any other differences when ImmDisableIME(-1) is applied.
>> This patch was needed for
>> https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1297640
>> Setup was Windows client connecting to a Windows VM.
>> Without this patch, when remote-viewer is focused and the user is
>> interacting with the VM, it was not possible to press the
>> Zenkaku_Hankaku in order to switch input method within the VM.
>> Are you saying this is not needed, and that the situation I describe is
>> working
>> even without calling ImmDisableIME?
>> Christophe
>>From the subject looks like multiple keys (not specified) are not
> working, one is Zenkaku_Hankaku. Can we have a list of not working
> keys?

spice-gtk can receives Zenkaku_Hankaku events without the patch of ImmDisableIME(-1).
I didn't find any problems without ImmDisableIME(-1) with the native client from Internet Explorer 10 in Windows 7 and either MS-IME or MS Office IME.

> In this case the problem is different as the key is managed by Windows
> and not sent to application.
> I also noted that an issue happen when you press the title of the
> remote-viewer window and continue using the keyboard. In this case
> when you are in Japanese mode you don't receive keys events but a
> small window is opened where characters are typed.
> Do we want to have this behavior?

I think this is a specification of Windows and users don't mind the issue.
E.g. users can send IME events to the title bar of explorer.exe
I think the customer real issue is MapVirtualKey() in spice-gtk and I guess bug 1297640 didn't describe the accurate problem.
I also think showing keyboard status on Windows task bar is useful for the users.


> Frediano

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