[Spice-devel] 回复: how to use spicy-screenshot without interrupt the normal connection ?

赵会波 huibo.zhao at sihuatech.com
Sun Jun 12 13:25:26 UTC 2016

 I have a question to ask you,I have know I can exit the fullscreen of spicy connection by using  “Shift + F12”my questio is whether  there is  any method  to  add a sliver or bar  to the fullscreen of spicy connection on the central top of the screen  ?just seems  like the fullscreen of virt-viewer  on windows . 
 any suggestion ?   very appreciate !!!

------------------------------------------------------------------发件人:Marc-André Lureau <mlureau at redhat.com>发送时间:2016年5月28日(星期六) 02:22收件人:赵会波 <huibo.zhao at sihuatech.com>抄 送:Spice-devel <Spice-devel at lists.freedesktop.org>主 题:Re: [Spice-devel] how to use spicy-screenshot  without  interrupt the normal connection ?

----- Original Message -----
> Hi,
> how to use spicy-screenshot and not to interrupt the normal connection ?
> any suggestions ? very appreciate !!!

If the server has the experimental multi-client support enabled, using spicy-screenshot should not interrupt the existing connection.

If you use libvirt, I would suggest you to use "virsh screenshot" instead (and the equivalent libvirt API)

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