[Spice-devel] [phodav PATCH 3/3 v5] spice-webdavd-windows: Dismount shared folder on service stop

Victor Toso lists at victortoso.com
Mon May 2 08:29:56 UTC 2016


On Mon, May 02, 2016 at 10:05:33AM +0200, Lukas Venhoda wrote:
> Why not use the same struct in both contexts and a mutex to avoid
> concurrency
> problems?
> Cheers,
>   toso
>             Because ServiceData is not used, when called with --no-service.
>             It won’t be created on stack, and would need to be allocated
> afterwards in run_service, just so that we don’t use gchar*.

--no-service is likely a dev option (not a default option for users);
I don't think it should impact code improvements.

Using a reference to the same struct with a mutex seems better even if just
for a simple char... :(

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