[Spice-devel] [PATCH spice-gtk v2 2/4] test-session: Also test hostname, username and password

Pavel Grunt pgrunt at redhat.com
Wed Oct 12 15:08:24 UTC 2016

 tests/session.c | 45 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 41 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tests/session.c b/tests/session.c
index a6276c2..74d32f2 100644
--- a/tests/session.c
+++ b/tests/session.c
@@ -8,47 +8,81 @@ static void test_session_uri(void)
     struct {
         gchar *port;
         gchar *tls_port;
+        gchar *host;
+        gchar *username;
+        gchar *password;
         gchar *uri_input;
         gchar *uri_output;
+        gchar *message;
     } tests[] = {
         /* Arguments with empty value */
         { "5900", NULL,
+          "localhost",
+          NULL, NULL,
           "spice://localhost?port=5900&" },
         { "5910", NULL,
-          "spice://localhost?tls-port=&port=5910",
+          "localhost",
+          "user", NULL,
+          "spice://user@localhost?tls-port=&port=5910",
           "spice://localhost?port=5910&" },
         { NULL, "5920",
-          "spice://localhost?tls-port=5920&port=",
-          "spice://localhost?tls-port=5920" },
+          "localhost",
+          "user", "password",
+          "spice://user@localhost?tls-port=5920&port=&password=password",
+          "spice://localhost?tls-port=5920",
+          "password may be visible in process listings"},
         { NULL, "5930",
+          "localhost",
+          NULL, NULL,
           "spice://localhost?tls-port=5930" },
         { "42", NULL,
+          "localhost",
+          NULL, NULL,
           "spice://localhost?port=42&" },
         { "42", "5930",
+          "localhost",
+          NULL, NULL,
           "spice://localhost?port=42&tls-port=5930" },
+        { "42", "5930",
+          "",
+          NULL, NULL,
+          "spice://",
+          "spice://" },
     /* Set URI and check URI, port and tls_port */
     for (i = 0; i < G_N_ELEMENTS(tests); i++) {
-        gchar *uri, *port, *tls_port;
+        gchar *uri, *port, *tls_port, *host, *username, *password;
         s = spice_session_new();
+        if (tests[i].message != NULL)
+            g_test_expect_message(G_LOG_DOMAIN, G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING, tests[i].message);
         g_object_set(s, "uri", tests[i].uri_input, NULL);
                      "uri", &uri,
                      "port", &port,
                      "tls-port", &tls_port,
+                     "host", &host,
+                     "username", &username,
+                     "password", &password,
         g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].uri_output, ==, uri);
         g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].port, ==, port);
         g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].tls_port, ==, tls_port);
+        g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].host, ==, host);
+        g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].username, ==, username);
+        g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].password, ==, password);
+        g_test_assert_expected_messages();
         g_clear_pointer(&uri, g_free);
         g_clear_pointer(&port, g_free);
         g_clear_pointer(&tls_port, g_free);
+        g_clear_pointer(&host, g_free);
+        g_clear_pointer(&username, g_free);
+        g_clear_pointer(&password, g_free);
@@ -60,6 +94,9 @@ static void test_session_uri(void)
                      "port", tests[i].port,
                      "tls-port", tests[i].tls_port,
+                     "host", tests[i].host,
+                     "username", tests[i].username,
+                     "password", tests[i].password,
         g_object_get(s, "uri", &uri, NULL);
         g_assert_cmpstr(tests[i].uri_output, ==, uri);

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