[Spice-devel] [PATCH v3 6/6] qxl-wddm-dod: Non-forced memory allocations with VSync

Yuri Benditovich yuri.benditovich at daynix.com
Sat Apr 8 10:46:55 UTC 2017

In case of VSync is active (for the driver this means it shall take
in account watchdog policy and ensure fast execution of PresentDisplayOnly
callback) allocate bitmaps for drawable objects using non-forced requests.
If immediate allocation is not possible, place entire bitmap into memory
chunk allocated from the OS.
If bitmap is allocated from device memory, but one of later
chunks can't be allocated, allocate this and further chunks from
OS memory. All these 'delayed' allocations placed into linked list
which root entry is part of QXLOutput structure.
>From separate thread, before sending drawable objects down, review
the list of delayed chunks and allocate device memory (forced) to
all of them.
The cost of solution is 2 pointers added to each drawable or cursor
Cursor commands currently do not use them; in future we have an option
to offload also cursor commands.

Signed-off-by: Yuri Benditovich <yuri.benditovich at daynix.com>
 qxldod/QxlDod.cpp | 108 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
 qxldod/QxlDod.h   |   3 ++
 2 files changed, 103 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)

diff --git a/qxldod/QxlDod.cpp b/qxldod/QxlDod.cpp
index c832c93..7ff903a 100755
--- a/qxldod/QxlDod.cpp
+++ b/qxldod/QxlDod.cpp
@@ -4224,6 +4224,13 @@ void QxlDevice::DrawableAddRes(QXLDrawable *drawable, Resource *res)
     AddRes(output, res);
+static FORCEINLINE PLIST_ENTRY DelayedList(QXLDrawable *pd)
+    QXLOutput *output;
+    output = (QXLOutput *)((UINT8 *)pd - sizeof(QXLOutput));
+    return &output->list;
 void QxlDevice::CursorCmdAddRes(QXLCursorCmd *cmd, Resource *res)
@@ -4331,6 +4338,7 @@ QXLDrawable *QxlDevice::Drawable(UINT8 type, CONST RECT *area, CONST RECT *clip,
     drawable->surfaces_dest[1] = - 1;
     drawable->surfaces_dest[2] = -1;
     CopyRect(&drawable->bbox, area);
+    InitializeListHead(DelayedList(drawable));
     if (!SetClip(clip, drawable)) {
         DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_VERBOSE, ("%s: set clip failed\n", __FUNCTION__));
@@ -4425,7 +4433,7 @@ BOOLEAN QxlDevice::AttachNewBitmap(QXLDrawable *drawable, UINT8 *src, UINT8 *src
     Resource *image_res;
     InternalImage *internal;
     QXLDataChunk *chunk;
-    PLIST_ENTRY pDelayedList = NULL;
+    PLIST_ENTRY pDelayedList = bForce ? NULL : DelayedList(drawable);
     UINT8* dest, *dest_end;
     height = drawable->u.copy.src_area.bottom;
@@ -4494,9 +4502,12 @@ BOOLEAN QxlDevice::AttachNewBitmap(QXLDrawable *drawable, UINT8 *src, UINT8 *src
     for (; src != src_end; src -= pitch, alloc_size -= line_size) {
-        BOOLEAN b = PutBytesAlign(&chunk, &dest, &dest_end, src, line_size, alloc_size, pDelayedList);
-        if (!b) {
-            DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, ("%s: aborting copy of lines\n", __FUNCTION__));
+        if (!PutBytesAlign(&chunk, &dest, &dest_end, src, line_size, alloc_size, pDelayedList)) {
+            if (pitch < 0 && bForce) {
+                DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, ("%s: aborting copy of lines (forced)\n", __FUNCTION__));
+            } else {
+                DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, ("%s: unexpected aborting copy of lines (force %d, pitch %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, bForce, pitch));
+            }
             return FALSE;
@@ -4551,7 +4562,13 @@ QXLDrawable *QxlDevice::PrepareBltBits (
     UINT8* src_end = src - pSrc->Pitch;
     src += pSrc->Pitch * (height - 1);
-    if (!AttachNewBitmap(drawable, src, src_end, (INT)pSrc->Pitch, TRUE)) {
+    if (!AttachNewBitmap(drawable, src, src_end, (INT)pSrc->Pitch, !g_bSupportVSync)) {
+        PLIST_ENTRY pDelayedList = DelayedList(drawable);
+        // if some delayed chunks were allocated, free them
+        while (!IsListEmpty(pDelayedList)) {
+            QXL_DELAYED_CHUNK *pdc = (QXL_DELAYED_CHUNK *)RemoveHeadList(pDelayedList);
+            delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pdc);
+        }
         drawable = NULL;
     } else {
@@ -5179,11 +5196,76 @@ void QxlDevice::StopPresentThread()
+QXLDataChunk *QxlDevice::MakeChunk(QXL_DELAYED_CHUNK *pdc)
+    PAGED_CODE();
+    QXLDataChunk *chunk = (QXLDataChunk *)AllocMem(MSPACE_TYPE_VRAM, pdc->chunk.data_size + sizeof(QXLDataChunk), TRUE);
+    if (chunk)
+    {
+        chunk->data_size = pdc->chunk.data_size;
+        chunk->next_chunk = 0;
+        RtlCopyMemory(chunk->data, pdc->chunk.data, chunk->data_size);
+    }
+    return chunk;
+ULONG QxlDevice::PrepareDrawable(QXLDrawable*& drawable)
+    PAGED_CODE();
+    ULONG n = 0;
+    BOOLEAN bFail;
+    PLIST_ENTRY pe = DelayedList(drawable);
+    QXLDataChunk *chunk, *lastchunk = NULL;
+    bFail = !m_bActive;
+    while (!IsListEmpty(pe)) {
+        QXL_DELAYED_CHUNK *pdc = (QXL_DELAYED_CHUNK *)RemoveHeadList(pe);
+        if (!lastchunk) {
+            lastchunk = (QXLDataChunk *)pdc->chunk.prev_chunk;
+        }
+        if (!bFail && !lastchunk) {
+            // bitmap was not allocated, this is single delayed chunk
+            QXL_ASSERT(IsListEmpty(pe));
+            if (AttachNewBitmap(
+                drawable,
+                pdc->chunk.data,
+                pdc->chunk.data + pdc->chunk.data_size,
+                -(drawable->u.copy.src_area.right * 4),
+                TRUE)) {
+                ++n;
+            } else {
+                bFail = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        if (!bFail && lastchunk) {
+            // some chunks were not allocated
+            chunk = MakeChunk(pdc);
+            if (chunk) {
+                chunk->prev_chunk = PA(lastchunk, m_SurfaceMemSlot);
+                lastchunk->next_chunk = PA(chunk, m_SurfaceMemSlot);
+                lastchunk = chunk;
+                ++n;
+            } else {
+                bFail = TRUE;
+            }
+        }
+        delete[] reinterpret_cast<BYTE*>(pdc);
+    }
+    if (bFail) {
+        ReleaseOutput(drawable->release_info.id);
+        drawable = NULL;
+    }
+    return n;
 void QxlDevice::PresentThreadRoutine()
     int wait;
     int notify;
+    ULONG delayed = 0;
     QXLDrawable** drawables;
     DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_INFORMATION, ("--->%s\n", __FUNCTION__));
@@ -5206,13 +5288,23 @@ void QxlDevice::PresentThreadRoutine()
         if (drawables) {
             for (UINT i = 0; drawables[i]; ++i)
-                PushDrawable(drawables[i]);
+            {
+                ULONG n = PrepareDrawable(drawables[i]);
+                // only reason why drawables[i] is zeroed is stop flow
+                if (drawables[i]) {
+                    delayed += n;
+                    PushDrawable(drawables[i]);
+                }
+            }
             delete[] drawables;
-        }
-        else {
+        } else {
             DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, ("%s is being terminated\n", __FUNCTION__));
+        if (delayed) {
+            DbgPrint(TRACE_LEVEL_WARNING, ("%s: %d delayed chunks\n", __FUNCTION__, delayed));
+            delayed = 0;
+        }
diff --git a/qxldod/QxlDod.h b/qxldod/QxlDod.h
index 28373b8..c35ec3e 100755
--- a/qxldod/QxlDod.h
+++ b/qxldod/QxlDod.h
@@ -474,6 +474,7 @@ ReleaseMutex(
 #define MAX_OUTPUT_RES 6
 typedef struct QXLOutput {
+    LIST_ENTRY list;
     UINT32 num_res;
 #ifdef DBG
     UINT32 type;
@@ -612,6 +613,8 @@ private:
     BOOLEAN PutBytesAlign(QXLDataChunk **chunk_ptr, UINT8 **now_ptr,
                             UINT8 **end_ptr, UINT8 *src, int size,
                             size_t alloc_size, PLIST_ENTRY pDelayed);
+    QXLDataChunk *MakeChunk(QXL_DELAYED_CHUNK *pdc);
+    ULONG PrepareDrawable(QXLDrawable*& drawable);
     void AsyncIo(UCHAR  Port, UCHAR Value);
     void SyncIo(UCHAR  Port, UCHAR Value);
     NTSTATUS UpdateChildStatus(BOOLEAN connect);

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