[Spice-devel] [PATCH 0/5] Documentation and cleanup of Drawable Tree

Christophe de Dinechin christophe at dinechin.org
Fri Feb 10 09:45:47 UTC 2017

Overall, I like the patches. But I wonder if it would make sense to switch to a doxygen format for large comments like this?


> On 9 Feb 2017, at 20:46, Jonathon Jongsma <jjongsma at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Fri, 2017-02-03 at 16:55 -0600, Jonathon Jongsma wrote:
>> Here's a slightly expanded and separated version of the drawable tree
>> documentation patch I sent out earlier. There are a few minor code
>> changes, but
>> otherwise it's mostly a matter of splitting some of the documentation
>> into
>> smaller chunks. The last patch still has a bunch of open questions.
>> Jonathon Jongsma (5):
>>   Shadow: remove unused 'owner' field
>>   DisplayChannel: add documentation for Ring types
>>   DisplayChannel: start documenting drawable tree
>>   DisplayChannel: use proper function name conventions
>>   DisplayChannel: document exclude_region() functions
>>  server/display-channel-private.h |   6 +-
>>  server/display-channel.c         | 281
>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
>>  server/display-channel.h         |   6 +
>>  server/tree.c                    |  13 +-
>>  server/tree.h                    |   7 +-
>>  5 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 18 deletions(-)
> Any other takers to give feedback on the remaining patches? (first two
> are merged already)
> Jonathon
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